Chapter 12

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The first years were sitting on their respective desks with the sheets of paper in front of them. Itadori was confident after the study session he had with his two classmates, Kugisaki, Fushiguro and Y/N were confident as well after watching the questions closely.

The test was a piece of cake.

Y/N was the first one to handle her test to Gojou sensei, he was pouting and placed it on his desk, she held the laugh for herself biting her cheek from the inside of her mouth.

Maybe he had plans for the morning and had to cancel to attend today? Anyway, it was extremely funny; Kugisaki slowing her writting just to piss him off and Itadori snorting from time to time.

Fushiguro read and re-read the questions to make sure he was answering correctly, sometimes his eyes wandered to the girl who sat in front of him, watching her hair move slightly everytime the wind touched it; Itadori saw him but his innocence made him think that maybe Y/N had a leaf or anything in her hair and his ravenette friend was just looking at it.

Kugisaki on the other hand noticed how his grip softened when the wind entered in the classroom and Y/N's hair was moved probably spreading her aroma to the boy behind her whom everytime it happened would closed his eyes trying to capture her essence, separating her perfume in his mind and figure out if it was sweet, citric or a flower one.

Is he..

Itadori stood up and handed his test to the grumpy sensei, Kugisaki did it a couple of minutes later and at last there was Fushiguro whom after giving away his test and turning around to head to his desk noticed that Y/N was fast asleep, resembling the view he had of her last night in his room.

"I think I did amazing" Itadori said with pride.

"That's because we helped you, idiot" Kugisaki laughed.

"Did you write down the notes the girls lent you?" Fushiguro asked participating in the conversation "If you write something down while saying it out loud is most likely that it'll stuck in your head".

"Really?! Woah, I'll do that for the next quizzes!".

"But you still need to listen to the class, okay? I ain't a teacher" Kugisaki crossed her arms and furrowed her eyebrows.

"Sure, sure!" the pink haired boy took a look on Y/N "Ah, L/N-san is sleeping in class?".

"She told me she didn't feel well late at night, I gave her an special aspiring" Kugisaki caressed her friend's hair "She just needs to sleep for a while".

"What do you mean by an special aspiring?" Itadori asked.

"The aspirin some people need during those horrible days each month" Kugisaki said holding her laugh.

"I don't understand!" Itadori cried "You talk just like the girls from Junior High, right Fushiguro?" no response was given.


The ravenette boy was with his ankles crossed, sitting in his desk behind her and face resting, his only movements being his uniform going up and down when breathing. He felt asleep as well.

Kugisaki looked Fushiguro's position, it seemed like he tried to copy the girl in front of him, an innocent attempt on being with her or maybe be like her. It was logical that Fushiguro slept behind her; it was his desk but Kugisaki remembered how after meeting her friend from the countryside; she would admire her to the point on copying her and doing what she could to be like her.

Just like Megumi Fushiguro was doing.

If this is the case, we shouldn't worry.

It was no one's business if the ravenette developed something deeper for his classmate later, that if they were normal students; but as shamans the reality was another one, with the record of several sorcerers giving up their work to live peacefully with their beloved ones it was obvious that this is a dangerous job and weak shamans who couldn't separate their feelings with their work would be the first ones to get killed.

𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐁𝐨𝐝𝐲 - 𝐌𝐞𝐠𝐮𝐦𝐢 𝐅𝐮𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐠𝐮𝐫𝐨Where stories live. Discover now