Chapter 10

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The tension inside the dojo was non-existent but the environment was somewhat unique, like the feeling when you go to a new store that just opened and you feel like floating all over the place, the feeling when you tried a new meal and there's a collision in your brain with all the new sensations, the new flavors and you just stay there processing all the information that lays in front of you entering your body.

That was the sensation inside the dojo, surreal; the time going fast and slow at the same time.

"Okay, guys at the count of three!"

"One.. Two.. Three!"

It was obvious way before Kugisaki shouted those words, in front of her and Itadori stood Y/N and Fushiguro glancing at each other, there was no hate, there was no malicious intentions in both pair of eyes, there was no tension, they were studying each other, a not so loud silence.

None of them move.

Fushiguro staring at her waiting for a surprise attack, for something to happen, but she didn't move; she knew that all he wanted to do was to see closely how she was going to fight, find out a way to defeat her. He wanted to prove a point to himself and maybe to his classmates.

I can defeat her.

His patience grew immensely until he gave up and started running towards her, he was decisive and with the goal to show what he could do; but with every step his concerned grew as well.

She wasn't moving at all.

Her eyes piercing his, she got what she wanted since the beginning when he asked her for a fight, Megumi Fushiguro isn't the type of boy who would change his mind unless proofs are given. She stayed there and saw the opportunity when her classmate slowed his movements, and there was Fushiguro; the sorcerer who promised himself to surpass Itadori scared of what he was doing, overthinking about the girl who never blinked.

He hesitated.

It took just three seconds for Y/N to run after him lowering her body enough for her face to be close to the right side of his torso, wrapping her arms around him to make him trip, the momentum was now on her side and she took it to grab him, spin his body and swing her leg colliding it with his ankle, the noise of his back against the floor of the dojo wasn't loud to worry the other two students but Fushiguro it was the sound of defeat.

What happened to me?

She had one of her hands pressing his chest, just that and yes; that's not a movement that you'd consider strong so maybe she was just teasing him, trying to hit a spot in his brain because by his expression he probably was thinking about what just had happened, that tactic wasn't the one he was looking and once he snapped out of his thoughts he got desperate to stand up.

"No" was Y/N's word before pressing his chest again making him fall one more time.

She stood up and kneeled again but close to his feet, he was about to stand up again until she grab both of his ankles.

"You're looking for this, aren't you?" It was a softly touch, her fingers pressing his ankles and at first he didn't understood until the realization hit him just like the first day they met.

I can't feel my feet anymore

"You told Itadori that you wanted to surpass him, I understand that but maybe you don't" Y/N sat next to his torso looking at him.

"What do you mean?". Fushiguro tried to lift the upper half of his body to look at her better.

"Everyone keeps saying that they want to be strong; you're not an exception" she smiled to herself "I want to ask you something".

𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐁𝐨𝐝𝐲 - 𝐌𝐞𝐠𝐮𝐦𝐢 𝐅𝐮𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐠𝐮𝐫𝐨Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora