Chapter 16

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Two weeks seemed like nothing at all.

For a student they could pass like hours specially if they had an important assignment at the end, procrastinating from time to time and then cursing the air for not being more responsible.

When you know something's existence but decide to put it aside and worry about that later.

Two weeks, just that.

For Fushiguro it was heaven and hell.

Now that he was full aware of his emotions he had to shut them down, he had to bury them in the depths of his heart and pretend they didn't exist in the first place. He had to concentrate all that desperation on beating his opponent who was also his crush.

The sweet sweet irony.

The first week was horrible for his heart, a living nightmare that he couldn't wake up from, having her so close, close enough he could feel her breaths and the only thing he was able to do in order to seem normal was to hit her, to punch her, to kick her, to send shikigamis at her. Even if none of them lay a finger on her skin, it hurt him to the bottom of his soul, but amazed him that she could handle all his attacks with grace.

How she was able to dodge all of his attacks no matter what he did. He made her fall several times, he noticed that, he was becoming smarter, he already knew how she fought, he was learning more and more about her.

She was good at dodging and attacking.

It terrified him, the idea that one day she might do the same if he ever let his heart speak for himself. He was cautious, careful, because no matter how much he would like to tell her how he felt, one question in his mind was making enough sound to make a decent person go deaf.

How does she feel about me?

That question was hard to answer, he hasn't shown any sign that he'd like to go further, not like their friendship was strong enough to go beyond that. It embarrassed him, he would often hit his head in stubbornness, aggression, sadness, how could he? How could he ever think about that to his classmate?

He doesn't even know her favorite color, her favorite food, her favorite animal.

He knows how his crush fights but doesn't know her favorite sweet for him to buy when they finish training.

I'm such an idiot.

The truth is, that in the void of his heart, he knew all those answers, he just seemed to forget everytime he overthought.

The same color she picked when taking pictures of flowers, that same color she used to highlight her notes in class; he knew about that one.

The same sweet she would buy when going out with the four or them or with Kugisaki, that same sweet she would eat when she was stressed; he knew about that one.

How her eyes lite up when she saw a dog on the street, giving them some of her food, how she would pet them no matter how dirty they were, her smile was wider and wider; he noticed that too.

He was mad at himself, how did he dare to develop feelings for his classmate when all he has done was being a classmate? It was a punishment, everything he knew about her was because it was part of their duty as sorcerers and their responsibility as students. He just knew about her likings because he was a creep staring at her enough to find out.

I've never made an effort to ask her about anything.

No, he was wrong; he did ask her about her technique the first day they met. Then again, that was because Itadori begged him to do it for himself.

𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐁𝐨𝐝𝐲 - 𝐌𝐞𝐠𝐮𝐦𝐢 𝐅𝐮𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐠𝐮𝐫𝐨Where stories live. Discover now