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I'm so sorry for abandoning this for so long. School been just so crazy and I was stressing myself out.

All those who were waiting for update I'm sorry but here is it. I hope you enjoy.


"Go without me man". He croaked out, his voice coming out rough and low. Before Thomas could start arguing the blond doubled over puking out black thick liquid. He was breathing roughly, he couldn't get enough air to breathe.

Thomas froze. He didn't know what to do but he clearly knew what was happening. His eyes stayed fixed on the boy as he tried to swallow around the lump in his throat.

"Minho." He gained the attention of the also horror struck boy beside him. "You gotta run ahead, grab the serum, and get back to us as soon as you can." He knew Minho was staring at him but he didn't meet his eyes. When he didn't get any response he turned to meet his eyes and repeated. "Minho,go."

Minho gazed between at him and Newt unsure as Gally agreed from behind. "He's right. I can cover." He offered and got up.

Minho still didn't say anything. He stared at the sick boy with uncertainty and pain.

"Thank you." Newt said to him in a whisper, clasping his hand in a week gesture. "Thank you, Minho."

"Hey, you just hang on. You hear me?" Minho asked heavily, tightening his grip on his friend's hand. But all he got back was a weak smile, almost apologetic.

He let go off his hand hesitantly as he slowly got up turning to Thomas. He opened his mouth but no words came out and then Gally was rushing him.

"Go Minho, go."

He turned away from his two friends who he hoped will get to see soon.

Thomas watched as Minho and Gally made their way through, fortunately without getting shot and he hoped they would return fast.

"Okay they're through." But as he turned to look back at Newt, the boy was almost quietly staring off at where Minho had disappeared . "Newt? Newt?" He called trying to snap him out of his trance. His one hand grabbed the back of his neck as the other cupped his jaw turning him to make Newt look at him.

"Hey! Hey!" He shook him as the boy's eyes still remained unfocused breathing heavily as if was going into panic.

The thought suddenly brought something like a memory flash across his mind about panic attacks. He remembers trying to help someone through a panic attack but he couldn't remember who it was or when it happened. It must have been a memory but he didn't had time to think upon it.

"Newt! Hey! Look at me." The boy's eyes finally snapped over to his face meeting his eyes and he visibly relaxed for a moment. "We're gonna try this. Okay?" He asked carefully still holding him in his hands. "We gotta move, now." He released his face , his hands going under his arms. "Let's get you up, come on." He tried to lift him up but the blond resisted sitting heavily against the concrete.

"No. No Thomas." Newt's hands went to something around his neck and that's when Thomas noticed the locket. He pull at it breaking the string.

"No, Newt. Later. Later" he grabbed Newt's hands away and tried to pull him up. "Really gotta go. Come on."

"Look, you gotta take this." Newt pressed on shoving the thing to him.

"We gotta get you up now." Thomas argued, ignoring the necklace. They didn't had time for this. They had to get to the serum fast

"NO, JUST TAKE IT." He shouted and for a second he thoy he saw something clouding Newt's eyes. Something  more than just anger. But it was gone as soon as he froze looking painfully at him.

"Please." Newt whispered pleasingly, eyes shiny. His breath coming out in deep pants. Thomas grabbed his hand holding out the necklace but didn't take it. "Please, Tommy. Please."

It crushed his heart hearing those words. The terrified look in his eyes mirrored his own as he realised the click was ticking and they don't have time.

"Alright." He whispered taking it from his grip and shoving it in his pocket. When Newt sighed in relief and almost looked given up, he grabbed both his hands in his. "Alright. I need you to give me everything you got. You and me, right now."

That brought back a look of determination back to his face. "Let's go. You ready?" He brought his arm around Newt's waist. "Here we go. One, two, three." He lifted both of them from the ground with whatever left in him and started moving forward almost dragging Newt with him.

Newt's steps seemed disoriented as he tried to keep up with him wincing with every step they took. But he will not give up. He's not gonna give upon anyone else. And definitely never on Newt.


As always hope you enjoyed it. Thank you for reading.

Stay safe!

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