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They did get a few more Crank attacks. But in small numbers, which they took care of rather easily.

Around noon time they reached the wrecked town. And from that close they learned how massive those walls were.

They parked their cars at the very margin of the town just for safety and got out.

"Just grab the weapons." Derek ordered. "Lydia, the antidotes, sedatives, first aid kit. Kira, some food and water. Just leave the clothes and all here. Don't forget the walkies."

"Lydia, the USB drive." Stiles reminded her and she added that to the smaller bag. "And anything else you guys think will be necessary. We can't take a lot and I don't think the things left here would remain here. Come on! We need to move fast." He tucked the gun and bullets into the belt Chris had offered him.

They found some Cranks at the perimeter of the town. Stiles stuck with using the gun since he didn't wanted to waste his energy.

He saw the guy. His face was rotting away and black slimy thing ran from his nose and mouth. Before he can pull the trigger, someone else had shot him. The group looked panic at the person who held the gun.

There were two of them but both looked normal. Well normal for a person living here, with tattered clothes. But they didn't look sick. They just gave them one brief glance before turning to walk away.

"What the hell was that?" Stiles asked.

"They were human. They didn't smell sick. How is that possible?" Scott asked in disbelief.

"So you are saying there are non infected humans here?" Liam felt like he was going out of his mind.

"Stiles?" Malia called for him and when he turned to look at her she was not there. She had walked further away into the city and now was starting at something.

They rushed over to her and saw what it was. People. Normal people milling away on the streets. They could hear them talk and shout. As they went ahead the more crowded it became.

They were people. Trying to live a normal life in this place. They couldn't understand how they could possibly survive. There were some infected among them, who were not fully Gone, probably just at the starting stage.

Derek found an old building which was empty and they got inside.

"This makes no sense." Issac exclaimed frustrated.

"Why are they keeping normal people here?" asked Kira.

"Why haven't they known that the world is still out there?" Lydia added.

"How are they surviving?" Liam said next.

"What are we doing next?" was what Derek asked.

Stiles was confused. Just like everyone else. And he too didn't have answers. So he was grateful at Derek.

"I don't know answers to any of your questions. Remember that I am just as clueless as you are. I'm sorry." He said softly. "Let's go with the plan. We are finding someone. Someone who can answer our questions. And for that we need to get in that city."

"Do you think asking someone here is a bad idea?" Liam asked as the 8 of them were now back in the streets.

"I've seen some protests out there. They hate WCKD as much as we do. They are not gonna sit around if they know we have some way to get inside." Scott shook his head.

They found a secluded area away from the people.

"So we get in there." Issac recited the plan. "Stiles, Lydia and Scott find this someone and we others find a place as a hideout."

"Won't they find us suspicious?" Lydia asked.

"There are people in there, so have I heard from some people in here. Try to blend in. Stiles will take care of Scott and Lydia. They get in, they get out. We get the information and... we act on it." Derek stated and they gave each other a assuring nod.

"I'm trying to open a portal somewhere away from people's sight. Let's just believe it works." Stiles said and went back on focusing.

Traveling a larger distance through portal was really tiring and if his energy ran out, it could even kill him or so have Deanton warned. So he tried on opening one closer but still away from the walls with a decent amount of distance.

The streets were not at all crowded. Some patrolling cars looking vehicles moved around now and then. Stiles had made them invisible for the time being.

"There are people in all those buildings. Many." Scott stated.

They went deep into the centre of the city, with the crowd increasing. The whole place was on another level. The total opposite of what they saw outside those walls. People walked past them busy in their own world. They had turned back visible since it was easy to blend in now.

Some helicopters flew above them from time to time. As he gazed at them that's when he noticed the building towering high up above the other ones, whick held the word 'WCKD'.

"So where are you finding this someone?" he heard Malia ask.

"There." He answered and the rest followed his gaze up at the building.


I know you may find some of this confusing and I can't promise you will understand it later.

Because even I have no clue.

Things have to make some sense and it sometimes makes sense when some little parts remain confusing.

Please understand I have  both read the book and watched the movie. Things are different and even I don't know which one makes more sense.

So..... There.

Hope you liked it.

I like this book so much that I want to update it like every day.

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