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So.   .    .   .   .

I installed Wattpad back again after a year of preparing for my entrance exam. Now I am back I saw all the love you guys have given this fic, I felt sad to have missed it. But I can't regret it because I fulfilled a goal of mine and I'm happy.

Now I'm in college and know that I'm bound to be busy as f*ck all the time. But I still have a wish to continue this because of you.

So ..... Thank you.


The lab scene where ratman dies. You all know how it goes. Get's chewed by the Cranks like he deserved. I really can't write fight scenes......

Derek pushed his fingers into his shoulder digging out the bullet. He didn't even wince. Stiles saw Gally staring at him wide eyed in shock and he tried to shoot him a reassuring smile.

"Totally fine." He said pointing at Derek. They had just arrived at the Berg and Newt was taken into another room with berths. "He does this all the time." Gally frowned with a more horrified face. Derek's wound was already healing.

"So anyone gonna tell me what is happening around here?" Minho asked from across the room. "So you say there's this bunch of guys and girls who appeared out of nowhere and they are helping us. And one of they freakishly looks like Thomas." Minho frowned at him. "Did WCKD clone Thomas or something? Are you his doppelganger?" The guy looked like he was about to murder him and Derek instinctively stepped in front of him, which made him roll his eyes. He stepped around Derek staring at the group huddled in the other corner of the room.

He looked at Minho offended. "Clone? Dude totally not cool. It hurt my feelings. And no I am not his doppelganger. My name is Stiles Stilinski. I'm 17 and I am from California."

"California?" Frypan voiced confused.

"God someone please shut me up." He mumbled.

"We will explain. Just-" Derek was cut shot by Vince announced they were approaching the building.

"The whole thing is in flame. If Thomas is in there, he better be quick because that's gonna crash any moment."

Vince was right. The entire building was in flames and more grenades were shot at the building. He really wished his brother was fast enough.

"I think I see someone on the rooftop." He heard Liam say from where he was looking down at the burning building. Brenda and Minho rushed to his side to see.

"Jorge it's them." Brenda shouted running towards the cockpit.

"Them?" Lydia asked confused like him.

"Them." Minho sighed. "Thomas and Teresa." He gritted out the last name like he hated them with all his guts. He didn't knew how they knew her or if she was a good guy or bad guy. She seemed like she was helping his brother. She seemed good enough to him for now.

It hurt. And he was tired. He tried to put pressure on the bullet wound on his stomach but he was tired and his hands were weak. He let Teresa drag him along as the climbed the stairs to the rooftop. It seemed like the only place that was not engulfed in flames.

Teresa pushed the metal door open to walk into the rooftop and in every direction they saw flames. They tried to walk back to the door and it too blew up, the fire now surrounding them.

His legs gave up and he fell on the floor trying to keep pressure on the hole on his abdomen which screamed in pain.

"I'm sorry." Teresa sobbed holding onto him. "I tried." She said.

He wanted to scream at her. Blame her. For everything. For Newt. But he knew it was not her fault. But that didn't mean he was gonna forgive her for this. He would have some day. When he could think about what had really happened one day. But now here he was. He was not gonna get time. He had wished he could have saved Newt. He had wished they could be normal.

After a long moment of consideration he croaked. "I know." He could never say it was okay. Because it was not.

Teresa opened her palm wrapped around the vial. She extended it to him. And he took it. He could have saved him. He thought, his heart aching. He could have. But hadn't. Couldn't.

Then he heard it. Behind them the winds rising. And as he turned around he saw the flames vanish out and the Berg came into view, it's wind slapping against his face.

Teresa pulled him up to his feet and he grunted in pain. "Let's go, let's go." She kept mumbling. "Come one." She dragged him to the edge were the Berg was closing in.

The door opened, Vince buckled the hatch around him as he laid on the edge his hand extended. Minho and Brenda was crouching down next to him. Stiles's team was behind them.

The Berg swayed in air with force the fire was exerting around them and they struggled to stay in position. The whole building was now totally surrounded by fire. He watched in horror as the girl, Teresa shouted at them to get closer.

He was shot. Stiles could see the wound on his stomach and Thomas was barely holding up. Thomas didn't see him. His eyes were on Vince, trying to get close to him. Behind them a taller building crumbled. The debris falling onto the other edge of the rooftop Thomas was on. That building didn't look like it was gonna hold up for any longer. They had to be quick.

"Get closer!" Gally shouted over to Jorge.

The Berg moved closer, Thomas's fingers closing around Vince's before slipping away and at that moment the other building collapsed. Huge chunks of concrete falling down still engulfed in fire.

"They are not gonna make it." Scott screamed next to him over the roar of wind. The WCKD tower fell apart. The floor underneath his brother's feet cracked open and they fell. His body reacted before he even had the time to think. He jumped.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2023 ⏰

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