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"You are late. Again." Derek announced as soon as the two entered the loft.

Scott was gonna apologize hoping Derek would not push the matter further since Stiles was feeling down. But Stiles beat him to it.

"Just calm down, mighty Alpha! It's just a few minutes. We don't have any important situation at hand, do we? Just chill." Stiles grinned as he settled down next to Lydia on the couch.
(Derek is still an Alpha, FYI)

Stiles believed he had shown enough weakness, so he acted like everything was perfectly fine infront of everyone.

But Derek knew better. Even though the other werewolves in the room didn't care enough to smell it, he could feel the sadness rolling off the human. And the worried expression on Scott confirmed that Stiles was not fine.

But he didn't push on the matter and settled down to start with the meeting. The two Alphas checked on the patrolling duty and asked the usual questions about if they found anything out of place.

Lydia was on her phone doing god knows what, while Stiles was spacing out.
(Here starts the part where is begins to make less sense to even me)

"Hey Stiles, look!" Lydia poked him and made him look at her phone. "It's some kind of article on WCKD. That's weird don't you think? I thought WCKD came to an end. It says something about WCKD doing some experiments or tests"

"What's weird about WCKD doing tests. Isn't that what they do?" Stiles asked.

"WCKD was formed to find a cure against the Flare. The antidote was discovered, though not by them, their job was done. There was not supposed to be anymore WCKD. And these tests they are conducting 'using the government as a cover'" she read from the article. "I don't think it's legal. I think that's what this is trying to say. And it says 'Rather than doing any good, WCKD is gonna bring a much bigger disaster to human race'".

"This things can't be true, can it? People can just make up anything".

"Maybe. But why would someone bring this up now after 3 years, for no reason." Lydia looked up at him with curious eyes.

"I don't know". Stiles furrowed his eyebrows. Lydia looked back at the screen.

"What the?" She was surprised. "It's gone. They took down the page."

"It must have been wrong information?" Stiles was curious too.

"Maybe. But nobody could have taken down that so fast. It's been minutes. And why would they? They could have given some kind of explanation saying it's false information."

"Why are you so obsessed with this?"

"Cause this is not normal. Since the start of Flare I have always looked into WCKD. But it was so secretive. And right after the cure was found they just vanished. No explanation. Nothing. Nothing about their base or head or anything".

"You know this has nothing to do with supernatural, don't you?"

"Maybe it has nothing to do with supernatural, but it's gotta do with something. You know how much of a curious person I am and I know you are interested in this too."

"So what do you wanna do?" Stiles asked already reaching for his laptop bag.

"Some digging up". Lydia showed a smug smile, which he returned with a grin.


Soo.. that was one of the parts that got me a little confused.

But not much. Hope you enjoyed this.

Have a great day!!

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