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"Stiles we are surrounded." Kira's voice trembled. She glanced back and she could make out things moving in the dark.

"Guys!" Lydia shouted into the device. "It's coming right at us".

"Don't stop. Keep moving." Derek shouted back. The Crank jumped on Issac's car landing on its roof.

"We can't get the thing off." Scott  yelled.

"Try." Derek told him.

But they could see, the Crank stayed fixed over their roof, now moving sideways banging on the window. And they heard Lydia scream.

The thing continued banging and then a gunshot echoed through the tunnel.
The Crank was in the next moment on the ground.

Some Cranks ran into the moving car, but Stiles didn't stop he kept driving faster.

"Stiles!" Isaac called. "We can't go further. The way looks blocked by many cars and junk."

"Keep going don't stop." Stiles called back. And Derek gave him a really confused look.

"What the hell do you mean keep going? We're gonna crash." Issac sounded totally panicked. "Don't forget we have Lydia. And you too are gonna-" but then he stopped. That's when he saw the glowing ring forming in front of the obstacle. A portal. And he took a breath and yelled. "Hold on". And in went the car through the portal.

Stiles was relieved to see the portal had worked and he passed through it too. He didn't really have any idea where the portal was gonna open to. He had wanted to get out of the tunnel, and hopefully at the other side.

The car jostled as it passed the portal and was on the road again at the other end of the tunnel. He looked back at the opening and yelled happily. Issac's car was also right in front of theirs and he wished everyone was fine.

"Ah! Omg!" Malia exclaimed. "I still say, a car through the portal is a bad idea. Very bad idea." And Stiles laughed.

Kira took the walkie talkie from Derek. "Scott? Is everyone alright?"

"Yep. We all are. Just Liam is looking a little pale. I'm sure that has to do with the portal traveling." And Kira visibly relaxed at her boyfriend's word but looked at Stiles.

"Hey! I'm a warlock in training. We should be glad the portal didn't open 6 feet from ground."

"I'm not complaining Stiles." Kira interrupted. "You did an awesome job." She patted him on his shoulder and smiled which he returned.

Issac pulled over the car just afterwards making Stiles stop too. And then he saw the reason. They got out one by one.

"You're all seeing what I'm seeing, aren't you?" Liam asked staring in amazement at the sight. The city was not that big. Still it was. Tall towers and buildings rose high up above. The city was surrounded by massive walls outside of which was a demolished looking place. It must have been a city once but most of the buildings was in pieces.

"How the hell does no one know about this?" Malia asked.

"People aren't allowed here Malia. No one crosses that border." Scott replied still in amazement.

"Who shot the Crank?" Kira asked curiously as she observed the broken window.

The three boys looked at Lydia, who stood smugly by them.

"Really? Amazing job Lyds." Stiles bumped her shoulder with his. She returned a smile.

"What do you think happened to this place?" Issac asked his focus going back to the disastrous town.

"Flare happened". Stiles mumbled.

"And what do we expect to find there?" Asked Kira.

"More Cranks" uttered Derek.


It's a short chapter. Sorry not sorry.

I think that was a good ending for the chapter. Anyway I hope you liked it.

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