Chapter Eight ~ Escape

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     One way or another I was going outside

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     One way or another I was going outside. If he was going to keep me here, the least he could do is let me get some fresh air.

I reach the foyer but make an immediate turn once my eyes set on the guards. I'd have to use the back door. Stupid fucking Alpha King.

I walk into the busy kitchen as I see people preparing for lunch. I walk through, trying not to disturb the chefs as they rush to prepare the food.

I end up in a suburban sized dining room. It was intimate. I guess it was used for special occasions.

I look to my right and see a door. It was at the castle wall so it had to be some kind of gateway to outside.

I open the door and the sun hits my eyes. I cover my them as they slowly adjust to the sun. Why was the sun burning so bright lately?

I look around and see chairs and tables, neatly placed vases with flowers set on each table. I put my hand out to feel the breeze but suddenly my hand meets with cold glass.

I peel my hand away and look at my hand print. The glass was so clear I didn't even realise it was there.

That explains why there was no draft.

I look up and see the top of the window like panel, the top was bare. I could fit over the glass panel, the only issue would be if it shattered under my weight. But nevertheless I was ready to take my chances.

I hop on the table, realising I need a bigger boost. I grab the chair below and sit it on the table. Standing on it, I make sure to bend so I don't hit my head.

How do I even approach this?

I wipe my sweaty palms on my clothes before grabbing the glass, it seems stable. I put one of my legs on and let my other one follow. If this decides to shatter then  I'm dead. I let my legs follow over and hang. I grip on tight but feel my hands start to get sweaty again.

I look down at the ground it was bushes below me and It had to at least be a four metre drop. I really didn't think this through. I don't get another thought in before I hit the floor and everything goes black.


I wince in pain and clutch my head as loud, blaring, sirens scream into the night, scaring away all the wildlife. Why does my head hurt?

Prying open my eyes I'm met with darkness, red lights appear as the siren goes off again. I look beyond the bushes I'm behind and see guards storming off into the tree line. I lay back down and clutch my head as I groan.

The pain is unbearable. I feel stinging on my body and look down at all the cuts over my bare legs and feet. I touch my face and run my fingers over a few cuts. They hurt, like little needles.

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