Chapter Eleven ~ Queen

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     "Should I be nervous?" I ask Onyx as we near the dining room doors, my heart pounding and my hands sweating

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     "Should I be nervous?" I ask Onyx as we near the dining room doors, my heart pounding and my hands sweating.

"You definitely should not be, you have nothing to worry about," Onyx assured me as we reached the doors. The guards open them for us and I keep my head up high. I was happy to be barefoot. Who would have known what a fool I would have made of myself if I were wearing high heels.

Luckily for me Odysseus didn't leave any out for me. Odysseus stands up at the sight of me and gives me a bright smile as he greedily takes in my appearance, his eyes flicking to my neck that bares his mark.

Odysseus grabs my hand as Onyx finds her spot. He leads me up to the head of the table, the whole walk I keep my eyes on Odysseus' back, trying to keep my composure.

We reach the spot and I stand slightly behind him, Odysseus seems to favour this.

"My wolves! It has been a long time coming but I have finally found my mate!" Odysseus' voice booms through the dining hall. Claps and cheers echo off the walls as they congratulate their Alpha King. My heart thumps loudly in my chest, I was sure everyone could hear it.

"So I would like to introduce to you, Queen Tatum!" Odysseus' voice echos, his echos being swallowed by cheers, he hold my hand up in the air and steps next to me so we are seen as equals. Everybody howls causing me to jump back behind Odysseus.

He grabs me and howls, causing me to shiver in fear and shy away from him. Reminding me of the monster he was.

Once the howling stops Odysseus shows me to my chair, acting like a gentleman. He tucks me in before retiring to his seat. Everybody watches in anticipation as Odysseus piles my plate with food before doing the same to his. Odysseus stabs a piece of salmon with his fork before bringing it to my lips.

The onlookers watch wide eyed as their Alpha King takes care of his female. I take the salmon not wanting to start a scene. Everyone suddenly starts digging into the food piling it on their plates, like true animals.

I pick up my fork and stab a piece of salmon before eating it. I grab the little sauce tub and tip some onto my fish. I feel Odysseus' eyes on me and turn to face him.

I watch as he grabs the same tub and tips it onto his fish before eating it. His eyes meet mine and he smirks, I quickly shut my mouth not realising it was slightly ajar beforehand.

I look down and finish what I can on my plate, I  patiently wait for Odysseus' plate to be empty. Everyone seems to finish as Odysseus takes his last bite. I guess these wolves were hungry.

Odysseus grabs his napkin and wipes the corners of his mouth before standing and coming over to get me. I take his hand before standing up.

"Alright everybody, thank you for joining us this evening. As most of you know we are holding the offical crowning ceremony tomorrow. You may indulge in conversation with your Luna Queen tomorrow evening, I bid you all a good night," Odysseus says proudly, speaking like a true King.

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