Chapter Forty-Four ~ Pregnant As Hell

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     I hear the familiar beep of the machine causing me to stir as I wake up

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I hear the familiar beep of the machine causing me to stir as I wake up. I open my eyes and groan. It feels like I've been out a lifetime. I look around and notice I'm in a hospital bed. What happened?

I look down at my stomach and finally notice how big it was.

"Holy shit!" I say loudly touching it, realising I was pregnant as hell. I hear a clatter as I something falls to the ground.

"Luna?" A female voice asks sounding completely startled.

"How long have I been out for?" I ask her, placing both my hands on my stomach.

"A bit over three months," was her response.
"I'm sorry," she apologises.
"I must get the Alpha," she says causing me to swallow thickly.

Not a minute later I see Odysseus as he storms into the room. We look at each other, taking in each other's appearances. He looked different, it was clear he hadn't shaved in a while, his eyes were bloodshot like he hadn't sleep in years.

"Baby?" He asks.

"Yeah," I say, letting out a breath I didn't know I was holding. He rushes over to me and kisses me, his rough hairs on his chin rubbing against my skin.

He kisses my forehead longing before touching my baby bump.

He sits down in the chair and scoots it closer to me.

"I have some news," he says causing my heart to pound.

"Well... what is it?" I ask him thickly as a bile rises in my throat.

"We're having a boy," he says, his eyes twinkling. I smile and look down at my bump.

"But that's not all," he says causing my eyes to snap to his, awaiting his next words.
"We're having a girl too," he says excitedly, my mouth hangs open in surprise.

"Twins?" I ask him with wide eyes. He had to be kidding.

"Twins," he confirms kissing me on the lips.

"Fuck. I've missed you so much baby, I'm so sorry. I'm so fucking sorry," he says to me, putting his forehead against mine as his tears fall.

"It's ok, I forgive you," I tell him, placing my hand at the base of his neck, rubbing it comfortingly. My mind suddenly flashed back to Brian.

"Odysseus?" I ask causing his eyes to snap open, gazing into mine.

"Yes my love?" He asks with a soft, loving smile.

"What happened to Brian?" I ask him with soft eyes.

He stays silent for a minute, pulling away from me and leaning back into his chair.

"A few things happened while you were away," he starts causing my eyes to widen in fear as I await for his to continue.

"What do you mean by that?" I ask feeling impatient.

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