Chapter Fourteen ~ A Night To Remember

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     "Next time I would appreciate it if you asked me for my daughters hand in marriage," my father jokes and puts his arm around my shoulders lovingly

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     "Next time I would appreciate it if you asked me for my daughters hand in marriage," my father jokes and puts his arm around my shoulders lovingly.

"She's you daughter, Alpha Barlowe?" Odysseus asks perplexed. He wasn't expecting this and never was I. I just find it hard to believe he couldn't put two and two together, although everyone had thought I had passed away.

"Yes, in fact. Thank you for inviting me to this special day, also you can call me Vincent," my father says, acting fatherly, anyone could tell he was more than happy to take the role on.

"...So does this mean?" Odysseus asked completely flabbergasted as he looks between the two of us. What the fuck was he referring too?

"No, my daughter is not a werewolf," he says, putting my mind at ease, thank god. I didn't want to be one of those monsters.

"Are you?!" I ask quickly looking him up and down, stepping out of his embrace.

"Yes, I-I... your mother was a human, she was my mate, my Luna. You took after her genes. I guess whoever took you had another life for you in store. It's always fun playing god. Fuckers," my father growls thinking about the people that took his wife and baby away.

"They were hunters too, humans, from a filthy village. They relocated and I couldn't track their scent looked everywhere for those bastards," my father growls.

It made my mind fuzzy just thinking about it. My father is a werewolf. So that must mean I had werewolf blood running through my veins, it had too. Now... I wasn't sure what to think.

"Tatum was from a village. They were hunters. It couldn't be a coincidence. I think they took Tatum from you and killed her mother because she was torn between sides, wanting to be devoted to her mate but also wanting to keep her pup safe. But I promise you I won't ever let your daughter in harms way, I will protect her with my life," Odysseus swears kneeling before my father.

"Get up son. I believe you, thank you for looking out for her. Speaking of tell me where those bastards are located. I'll kill them all," my father growls, his eyes black. His wolf was angry and none of us could blame him, his mate was taken from him without a second thought.

"No need, Vincent." Odysseus says to my father, trying to calm down the situation.

"What on earth do you mean, no need?" My father seethes, clearly disturbed by Odysseus' words.

"They're gone, father," I butt in, eager to defuse the situation.
"They're dead," I say to put his mind at ease, he visibly relaxes at my comforting words, which turned out to be more disturbing for me.

"When Odysseus found me he was raiding my village. It's burned to the ground. He destroyed the village because they killed a royal wolf, they were probably planning all of these years to take down all of these packs." I say, and all the pieces start falling together. I don't dare to mention Rose, knowing she had more than likely escaped.

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