Irrational Problem Child

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Some background info:

You are petite with black hair and amber colored eyes. Your quirk is cat: you have enhanced strength and agility, enhanced senses, night vision, and retractable claws. You can also shapeshift into a black cat with amber eyes.

Most of the time you look like an ordinary human. But if you are too distracted, sometimes your cat ears show. Human with cat ears is the state that feels most natural for you, but you try to stay fully human for other people's sake. If you get really REALLY tired you shift to 100 percent cat form and can't shift back until you have enough energy.

 If you get really REALLY tired you shift to 100 percent cat form and can't shift back until you have enough energy

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Okay,let's get into the story!

Your uncle had backhanded you for getting distracted and letting your cat ears show. You were fast enough to dodge most people, but your uncle's quirk was speed. The slap stung so hard that your eyes teared up. 

"No dinner for you today!" he glowered. 

He sat down at the TV as you went outside for fresh air... and because you knew what would happen. You'd been tired already, and sure enough, the lack of food made you so exhausted that you shifted to cat form. Your uncle would hate that, so you had to find food then shift back fast.

It was sunset as you padded down an alleyway. The golden orange light made even the ordinary trash cans and crowded buildings of the run down area look magical. Why did your uncle hate your quirk so much? Why didn't he ever approve of you? You thought you must be doing something wrong.

As you rounded a corner, you saw a man sitting on a low wall outside what was probably his house. You froze, one paw raised, but he didn't turn to look at you. You sniffed hesitantly. The man's black clothes had only the faintest smell of clean soap, and his human scent was a nice one. Trusting your cat instincts, you padded silently closer along the broad wall.

The man finally looked down over the edge of his scarf wrappings, gazing into your amber eyes with his own dark eyes. He calmly raised his hand, beckoning you closer. You approached slowly. 

The moment his warm hand touched you, you were filled with a sense of trust and well being. Your cat instincts had never been wrong. This was a human you could rely on. He scratched behind your ears calmly. You purred, arching your back and rubbing against his side.

The man glanced down at you, then back at the sunset, still scratching your ears. "You look like you've been through a lot... haven't had much to eat have you?" he muttered. "Come with me."

He jumped off the wall into his yard, with the same beckoning motion. You followed with a fluid leap, flicking your tail as you entered his house. The place was fairly empty, but the man got some cat food out of a cupboard and soon there was a bowl of food and a bowl of water in front of you. You ate hungrily and lapped at the water. 

When your stomach was finally more full than it had been in a long time, you yawned and stretched. Your energy was back. You decided against shifting back to human form though. Your rescuer thought you were a cat. What if he was annoyed that he'd actually used his cat food on a human?

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