Irrationally Invincible

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chapter art by G Mark

No, not just one portal. Dozens. Villains charged through. Aizawa was the fastest to react, ordering everyone to fight. Well obviously. Why bother with the command? Oh- they were all unlicensed. 

That was so... Aizawa... to take legal responsibility in the middle of an attack. But you quickly realized his second reason. There was no time for his students to hesitate even the briefest moment over legal technicalities.

You whirled as villains shot past you, launching to attack your classmates.

At least some of your classmates were having success. You nearly laughed at Shigaraki floated helplessly up, away from a scared looking Ochaco.

Momo leveled newly created cannons at a villain who looked like a rip-off spiderman.

A tall villain in a magician's outfit swept his hand over Mina's face, and she vanished. Bakugou slammed the villain to the ground before you could get close, setting explosions in his face.

"She's not dead," the magician villain said in amusement, and your knees sagged in relief. Only to see Jirou desperately fighting a crazed girl with knives. She was using her earjacks in a series of fast motions to knock the knives out of the girls hands, but the psycho knife girl seemed to have an infinite supply of blades. 

Kaminari grabbed the knife girls wrist and sent electricity crackling through her but was too late to dodge the blade plunging into his arm. Shock rooted your feet to the ground as you watched a drop of Kaminari's sparking, sizzling blood fall and hit the dust.

Everywhere you turned, your classmates were locked in desperate battles. Midoriya had already broken his arm fighting an enormous muscular villain. Shinsou barely managed to dodge a swath of blazing blue flames. His capture scarf shot towards the bored looking villain, who dodged him with a sneer. Shinsou barely rolled out of the way of another blast of fire, and was forced to keep rolling as his pant leg burst into flames. 

Your heart rose to your throat as the villain tried to finish Shinsou off while he was down, but then the villain stopped, looking up in confusion and meeting Aizawa's glowing Erasure stare across the battleground. Smoke wisped from Shinsou clothes as he rolled back onto his knees and stood to attack again.

Aizawa's fight was confusing to watch because he seemed to randomly dodge places in the air, until you realized that he was fighting a villain who could make invisible boxes. The villain had come prepared. He'd covered every inch of his body with thick clothing and reflective sunglasses, making it impossible for Aizawa to cancel his quirk. 

Aizawa seemed to have figured out his tell, though. Every time the villain tried to trap him, he leapt out of the way. And somehow he was also keeping tabs on his students, erasing quirks during critical moments all over the battle field. Keeping track of all the invisible boxes, dodging every new attack, all while protecting his students...he really was on another level.

It was all too much to take in. Why... why had no one attacked you? Every villain had immediately gone for a target, but you didn't seem to be on the list.

You glanced at swirling portal. You remembered the warp gate villain who was creating that portal... Where was he? As you watched, a figure appeared through the mist, but it wasn't the warp gate villain.

He was a tall, broad shouldered man with a strong jaw, radiating confidence as he dusted nonexistent dust from his suit. Across the chaos, your eyes met. You gasped at the sudden intensity. He SAW you.

All for One. The ultimate mastermind of the League of Villains.

A soft smile lit up his features and he started walking towards you.

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