Irrationally Adopted

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Three weeks had come and gone. Your mental evaluation shocked the psychologist who had questioned you last time. You'd made undeniable progress, and the evaluation showed it. The PTSD remained an issue, true, but you were definitely progressing with Aizawa looking after you.

Aizawa, looking classy in his fitted suit, signed the adoption papers. The witnesses and social workers signed them as well. You skipped happily next to Dad. Finally the adoption was official, and it felt right in every way.

Mic was waiting for the two of you when you exited the building, wearing a goofy grin, with a camera around his neck.

"Mic?" Aizawa frowned.

"Not just me!" Mic grinned.

Midnight stepped from behind Mic, and Aizawa glowered. You watched the interaction with wide, curious eyes. You'd never seen Midnight before.

Midnight's eyes fastened on you and she seemed to glow with giddiness. "SHOTA SHE IS SO CUTE!" she gushed. Then she whirled on Aizawa, fixing him with an evil glare. "How could you keep this youthful energy from me Shota!!?? You TOLD HIZASHI FIRST?!"

You quirked an eyebrow at Aizawa, as though to ask "Is she always like this?"

Aizawa glowered, carefully pushing Midnight's shoulder to get her out of his personal space. Midnight's interpretation of events was incorrect. He hadn't told Mic. Mic had found out on his own, in the most annoying way possible.

"Mic," he growled. "Why are you and Midnight here?"

"I figured you needed someone to take pictures to mark the occasion, Shota!"

"Isn't that a one person job?"

"I suck at photography, you know that! So I brought Nemuri."

Aizawa radiated irritation.

"We don't need photographs."

"C'mon Sho! Even if you don't want them, Eiko might want photos when she's older."

Aizawa glanced down at you. You looked on with the same curious gaze. He sighed.


Description of the photos taken...

Photo 1: You standing next to an almost-smiling Aizawa, holding his hand and grinning brightly with your eyes squinted shut.

Photo 2: Aizawa glancing down at your bright grin, the corners of his mouth pulling up a bit in amusement.

Photo 3: Mic in the distant background, photobombing with "rock on" hand gestures.

Photo 4: Aizawa turning to scowl at Mic who is now doing a tik tok dance as he photobombs.

Photo 5: Aizawa glaring and gripping the shirt collar of an unrepentantly grinning Mic, you in the very near foreground, peering curiously into the camera lens.

Photo 6: Midnight taking spontaneous a selfie with you, Aizawa yelling at Mic in the background.

"Perfect," Midnight chirped "especially the last one, I think I got all of us in it."

"Dad?" you asked as the two of you drove home, having managed to get away from Mic and Midnight. You were exploding with happiness, but Aizawa seemed especially hard to read right now. You wanted to know if he felt it too. "Are you... happy?"

He glanced at you, seeing your wide, earnest eyes as you awaited his answer.

"Well... I never wanted a kid..." he considered aloud, but you saw the gleam of humor in his eye and you began to smile hesitantly "and" he continued "I'll probably have to keep getting you out of trouble, and waking up at night for you, and picking up your hair ties and guitar picks around the house."

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