Irrationally Left Mic in Charge

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Mic sounded like he might take awhile. You wandered outside, enjoying the sunshine, and climbed up on the wall to sit where you and Aizawa normally watched the sunset. Everything looked totally different with the sun climbing high. It would be directly overhead in an hour or so, and the landscape looked bleached of color and filled with blindingly warm sunshine.

You noticed three boys walking down the alleyway some distance away. You stared curiously. They were varied heights, but all around your age. The tallest had brown hair in a neat buzz cut. The second tallest had messily grown out blonde hair, with a skateboarder vibe in the way he dressed. It was the shortest that immediately captured your attention. His undeniably purple shock of hair fluffed up as though he'd been electrocuted. They boys were all walking away, so you couldn't see any of their faces until the purple haired boy turned to face the other too, revealing that his irises and eyebrows matched his hair color. You pulled out your earplugs to hear their conversation. None of them had noticed you yet.

"So," the purple boy said, as though he didn't care about anything one way or another, "what was it you wanted to talk about?"

The blonde guy stepped forward.

"Shinsou... you're a good friend." The purple boy watched him with an expression that was hard to read, as the boy went on "you're so fun to hang out with, and we really like you. So we've decided to let you in on our plans. How would you like... to never have to do homework again in your life?"

Shinsou's- the purple haired boy- watched him with the same hard-to-read expression.

"What's your plan?"

The blonde guy's voice dropped to a whisper, and even your superhuman hearing could only make out a couple words over the distance

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The blonde guy's voice dropped to a whisper, and even your superhuman hearing could only make out a couple words over the distance. You heard "brainwash" and "teacher." You were extremely curious about what they were talking about, especially as you noticed the purple-haired boy's expression change subtly.

"Is this why you befriended me?" he asked. His eyes almost looked... hurt... but you saw his lip curl in disgust and decided it was actually just a gleam of contempt you'd seen. He put a hand to his neck, grinning bitterly as though at his own foolishness.

"Don't be ridicuolous, dude!" the buzz cut boy put in "we want to be your friend no matter what."

Shinsou lowered his hand, looking at the other two boys perceptively.

"Then I won't be brainwashing anyone for you."

The other two boys looked irritated in their body language.

"Of course," the blonde one tried again "we'd think it was super cool if you do help..."

Shinsou stared at them coldly.


"I take it back!" the buzz cut boy yelled, losing his nice guy attitude. "You're only our friend if you help us."

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