43| Hurt

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Zara raised up her head and looked at him and when she saw him also looking at her , she looked away, what even brought him to their house, upon all the insults she received from him , the heartbreak , he still has the audacity to come to her house?

"Maesha , can you please give us a minute, i wanna talk to your brother." Zara said smiling sweetly at Maesha,

"Okay Adda Zara." Maesha said and left for the car,

"Zara...The audacity you have!" Zara said angrily cutting him off,

Faisal rubbed his face before saying, "Zara, I'm really very sorry." He said looking at her with pleading eyes,

Zara let out a laugh, a laugh that shows nothing but pure pain and anguish, "Remember what you said on that very day Faisal...."

"I know I'm s....don't you dare cut me off when I'm speaking again, allow me to finish!." Zara yelled, he nodded his head before she continued,

"I pleaded with you Faisal, i begged you, i did all what i could do but you didn't listen remember?" Zara said trying to take back her tears,

"Five years of being in relationship, five freaking years!, but a mere single picture destroyed everything, I can't believe you did that to me Faisal!.

That showed me you never trusted me, or should i rather say 'loved." Zara said,

"No please don't ever say that Zara....i told you to keep quiet and allow me to finish, I'm the one with the saying today, two years ago you did your own, so allow me to do mine!" Zara yelled,

"Who knows Faisal , maybe you were just waiting for the slightest opportunity and when you got it then boom! you called off the wedding, did you know how that affected me mentally and physically?

People started calling me names, pointing fingers at me, i was the topic of every school group and even outside school, i became the talk of town, every blog on instagram had my story in it. The great Zara Galadanchi's wedding has been called off, some even resorted to cooking up different stories.

You destroyed my family's name, all because of a stupid picture by barely looking at it you will know it's a photoshop, but no , your eyes were closed , you just wanna leave the clutches of the witch right??" Zara said and broke down in tears,

Faisal was so heartbroken, the sight of her also made him to tear up, he can't believe he messed this much, and he would forever learn to regret it, he moved to wipe away her tears when she yanked his hands away,

"Don't you dare touch me, by the way you wouldn't want to touch the harlot's face , right?" Zara said with venom dripping from her voice,

Faisal felt like hurting himself so badly, he can't believe he was stupid to believe that picture, if only he could turn the hands of time,

"Zara....I'm not done yet!" Zara cut him off making him to just nod his head,

"You called me a harlot that day, me , a harlot? you said I can't be trusted right? huh, the 'i love yous' were all fake, i know, because of just a single picture." Zara said and let out a sad chuckle,

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