Chapter 17

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Fengchun House is the city of Suzhou’s largest brothel.

With all varieties, the beautiful women were as numerous as clouds. With the present gathering of people in Suzhou, the boss was using the recent opportune time to bring over a group of enchanting entertainers to dance, leaving the onlookers stupefied and allowing Fengchun House’s business to boom yet again.

The people from Jianghu who drank wine with Ye You last time were mostly all present, with the same single-seating floor arrangement as before. These people were staring mesmerized at the dancers, as if hoping their eyes would fly out and attach to their bodies, remaining there until the end of the set. They couldn’t help but loudly shout their welcome.

“What does Sir Xiao think?”

Ye You laughed as he drank a mouthful of wine. “Not bad.”

“Why not call one over?”

“No need, this is already very good.” Ye You put down his wine cup, and the young miss on the side immediately refilled it completely.

The young miss wore a thin, yellow goose skirt. And whether it was that she had seen much of the world or that she was taught well, when she met this kind of guest wrapped up like a “lantern” where none of his facial features were visible, she didn’t show the slightest bit of astonishment. She accompanied him, all smiles, with the occasional pouring of alcohol and a few murmured sentences. She was certainly discrete.

The group observed for a while. Noticing that Sir Xiao didn’t seem that interested in these proceedings, they stopped trying to call people over and instead brought up some conversation about the Wang family, subtly asking why all the lords went to Dingtian Academy a few days prior.

They initially thought that since this young sir had never mixed in Jianghu, he’d be easy to extract information from. Who knew that, after a while, they not only didn’t manage to get a single word out of him but also managed to be talked into a deep discussion on a completely different topic. It was only when some returned to their seats that they managed to pull the topic back, like reining in a wild dog.

Re-energized, these elders of Jianghu asked once again, and while they weren’t thrown off this time, they still didn’t manage to weasel out a single useful word.

From these few times, they already realized that this person wasn’t naive enough as to be so easily tricked. And after thinking about his identity, they suddenly became well-behaved, realizing that they were actually quite lucky. Some thought even more deeply, secretly wondering why such a person would so easily agree to drink wine with them if he was so difficult to handle. They really couldn’t talk about what had happened?

The thin, tall man carrying the monk’s spade from last time was also present. He didn’t think in such a roundabout way, so when he saw that Sir Xiao wasn’t saying the reason, he simply said, “Then if in the future there really is some news, don’t forget to tell these brothers.”

“Naturally, of course,” Ye You said, “Other than Senior Brother, the only ones I recognize in Jianghu are you heroes, and I also feel as if we’re all kindred spirits. If I can’t say it to all of you, who can I say it to?”

Those words were very pleasing to the ear.

Although these elders of Jianghu knew that this person was probably speaking only pleasantries, they still couldn’t help but consider that this person had joined them to drink wine because he was lonely. Secretly, they thought that the people over at the Wang family residence were all important lords, so probably no one was available to accompany him. Thinking this way, they were all a bit moved, especially the thin, tall man who felt even more goodwill towards him.

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