Chapter 108

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Ren Shaotian twisted his lips. “Sir Xiao, there seems to be a slight misunderstanding.”

Ye You said, “There’s no need to explain. I can tell that you seem to care a lot about me.”

After a short pause, as if he felt it wasn’t enough, he added, “My Senior Brother can also tell.”

“…” The smile that Ren Shaotian always maintained had frozen stiff on his face.

He had actually followed because he had been urged by his young master.

Before at the Sheng family residence, the young master had seen Sir Xiao leave alone, with a back that seemed to carry a faint trace of loneliness, and so had thereupon wanted to chase after. They had followed the other all the way onto the street, and when the young master had seen Sir Xiao walking aimlessly alone, the young master had guessed that the other maybe had some discomfort in his heart and so had wanted to go over to keep him company.

But since the matter of the other falling into the water at Wanping Weir, Ren Shaotian had already learned that Sir Xiao was even less simple than the other ordinarily appeared, and might still retain those martial arts, so this time the other had perhaps left for the sake of attending to some business. Thus, he used the fact that “Sir Xiao maybe wants some peace and quiet by himself” as an excuse to advise the young master.

His thoughts were that since Sir Xiao was the black piece, he should let the black piece advance more smoothly in order to finish this chess game quickly so that everything could be resolved. But his young master was thinking of who-knew-what and looked towards him at once, proposing that he follow Sir Xiao with the reasoning that, “Sir Xiao’s body is that weak, while the white piece is constantly after Sir Xiao’s life, so going outside on his own like this is too dangerous!”

He was left unable to respond.

His young master said again, “Shaotian, I know that if we return now, you also definitely won’t feel at ease.”

At that time, he really wanted to refute, but he wasn’t able to get it out, because he really… was somewhat uneasy.

Thus, he obeyed the order and followed Sir Xiao, even following the person the entire way out of the city, but it turned out that this person hadn’t had any business from the start and had simply wanted to discuss matters of the heart with him.

He was completely full of regrets.

If he had known ahead of time that he’d fall into such a pit, he wouldn’t have followed.

Ye You saw that he was silent and added another blow, “It’s because I knew that you were concerned about me that I was certain that you’d follow me.”

Ren Shaotian’s heart was full of grievances, but out loud, he said, “You should’ve noticed that we were following behind you and guessed that the young master would send me then.”

Ye You said, “Then why didn’t your young master send Wei Jin and wanted to send you directly?”

Ren Shaotian said, “He isn’t able to order around Wei Jin.”

Ye You let out a faint sigh, appearing as if he had given up, and said, “Whatever you say then. If you say it isn’t like that, then isn’t.”

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