Chapter 99

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Wenren Heng was quite cooperative, not resisting from beginning to end, having been carried by that monster the entire way into the depths of the forest.

After regaining steady footing, he calmly straightened out his lapel before lifting his head to look at them

Wei Jiangrou and the Alliance Leader simultaneously startled.

Wenren Heng didn’t wait for them to speak. Completely ignoring Wei Jiangrou, he actually took the initiative to greet the other person politely with, “Alliance Leader, have you been well since we last met?”

The Alliance Leader blurted out, “Wenren Heng!”

The elderly man’s footsteps paused, and he asked, “What? This isn’t the Ah-Xiao all of you were speaking about?”

The Alliance Leader shook his head and said, “No, he’s Wenren Heng, the Sect Master of Shuangji Sect.”

The elderly man’s expression darkened, and he looked towards Wenren Heng. “You dare to trick me?”

“This young one knows all about the matters that elder wants to ask about. What difference does it make to have this young one here instead of someone else?” Wenren Heng unhurriedly unraveled the bandages on his face, revealing an eminently handsome face, while smiling at that monster.

The elderly man’s figure flashed, and in an instant, he arrived in front of the other.

Wenren Heng had long already prepared some surreptitious defenses, and at practically the same instant the other moved, he jumped backwards, quickly dodging the attack. He asked, “Elder doesn’t want to ask any questions?”

The elderly man said coldly, “No one dares to trick me.”

“Then elder wants to kill this young one and then go capture that person?” Wenren Heng looked at him and asked, calm and tranquil, “How will elder be able to confirm that the next person captured will definitely be my Junior Brother?”

The elderly man said, “I can just continue to capturing people.”

Wenren Heng laughed and said, “Naturally that can be done, but this young one can guarantee that when elder captures the second person, there won’t even be corpses left of the people all of you want to save.”

The elderly man said, “You’re threatening me?”

“No,” Wenren Heng said, “This young one is simply speaking the truth.”

The two’s conversation proceeded very rapidly, and it was only now that the Alliance Leader and Wei Jiangrou managed to react. The former hastily went over to advise that monster, while the latter didn’t dare to move forward but still opened her mouth to say in a trembling voice, “Don’t… don’t hurt Brother Heng.”

The elderly man’s expression changed minutely, and after a glance at Wei Jiangrou, he indeed stopped his attacks. At this time, Manor Lord Wei had also doubled back and, upon seeing the person standing here, said in astonishment, “Xiao-Heng?”

Towards the fact that the other had returned only just now, Wenren Heng wasn’t the least bit surprised.

They had long already analyzed the situation.

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