Chapter 24

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Although that hand had been pressed down, the thumb took the opportunity to caress his wrist for a bit, with a slight ambiguous feeling to it. Wenren Heng couldn’t suppress the movement of his Adam’s apple and wanted to ask, “You certainly have a lot of guts; aren’t you afraid I’ll actually do something to you,” but started having second thoughts when he remembered that the outside was full of people. He was also unable to hit his Junior Brother’s acupoints, so he couldn’t easily swallow the other person down.

He knew that his Junior Brother had definitely calculated all this, and he immediately felt like both fuming and laughing.

The inside of the carriage was dark, and both of their silhouettes were fuzzy and indistinct. Ye You made a slight approach, breathing as if he wanted to wind the two of them together.

Wenren Heng resisted the urge grab the other ruthlessly into his embrace and instead let go of the other’s hand. Patting the other’s shoulder, he let out a soft sigh.

When Ye You heard his Senior Brother sigh, he put on the pretense of a smile, only it didn’t seem as if he was putting his heart into the act. And he didn’t know why, but he suddenly felt a somewhat penetrating heaviness.

His movements stopped.

“You’re truly hard to please. I treat you well, yet you still suspect me. Do you still have a conscience?” Wenren Heng said helplessly. After a while of silence, he told him a truth, “I know you’ve always suspected that I have some ulterior motives. Actually, I’ve concealed one thing from you. When you’ve fully recovered your memories, then you’ll naturally understand everything from beginning to end. We still don’t know what’s wrong with your internal energy, so don’t blindly go around tormenting me.”

Ye You asked, “It’s not convenient to say?”

“You’ve known from the start. Just slowly think it over, and you’ll understand. It’s all related to the things that’s been happening recently,” Wenren Heng said, “Didn’t you say you were interested in the Lantern-Extinguishing Poison? First be obedient for a few days and see what exactly that person is planning on doing. The other things we can talk about later.”

Ye You was silent for a moment. He had been persuaded.

He then also said something that was in his heart, “Senior Brother, do you know my true identity?”

Wenren Heng said, “I know it, but I don’t want to tell you.”

Ye You said, “Why?”

Wenren Heng let out another sigh. This time his tone was also like the one from before, looking pained, but also seeming as if he didn’t care all that much. He quietly said, “When Master was alive, he taught us to always stick to the proper path and not to go astray. Before he left, he told me to take care of you properly, but I not only lost you but also witnessed you walking on a crooked path. These past few years, Senior Brother has always blamed himself.”

Ye You turned a deaf ear. “Am I part of the Demonic Sect?”

Wenren Heng said, “In any case, you aren’t part of the righteous faction. While you still have amnesia, stay by my side. Once you’ve fully recovered, if you still want to return, Senior Brother won’t stop you.”

In reality, he didn’t need to think over any of this. His Junior Brother had single-handedly created the Demonic Sect, so this person would definitely return to it. Even if he tried stopping the other, it would be of no use.

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