Chapter 68

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Ye You had woken up when they arrived at Shaolin.

He had already successfully learned his miraculous martial skill, and not even the slightest sounds of the wind or the movements of the grass could escape his ears, not to mention that so many people had come over to surround him just now — if he hadn’t felt so at peace while leaning on his Senior Brother on the way back, then he wouldn’t have ever been able to sleep at all.

But although he had woken up, he didn’t move.

Having always indulged him, Wenren Heng ended up carrying this person all the way back to the small courtyard and lightly placing him on the bed.

Ye You still kept his eyes closed and lazily found a comfortable position to lie in.

Wenren Heng said, “Going back to sleep for a while?”

Ye You said, “No need, I’m not tired.”

Wenren Heng didn’t ask him why he didn’t get up and instead went to pour a cup of tea and grab a book, accompanying him while reading. Ye You heard the sounds of pages turning, and only then was he willing to open his eyes. He leaned his head against his hands and quietly looked.

Wenren Heng said, “What?”

Ye You smiled and said, “When I was missing my memories, I did say one thing that was true.”

Wenren Heng gave him a look. “Only one?”

Ye You earnestly said, “Only this one came from the bottom of my heart.”

Wenren Heng could guess what he most likely wanted to say so waited, calm and unruffled, for him to speak.

Ye You said, “Senior Brother, you truly do look quite pleasing to the eye.”

Wenren Heng’s voice was very tender. “So that’s why I’m to be your wife?”

Ye You laughed and said, unafraid of death, “Yes, wait until I pick an auspicious day on the calendar[1]…”

He had gotten only halfway through these words when Wenren Heng put down the book and walked over.

Ye You promptly shut up and made to hide further into the bed, beaming as he stretched out his index finger to place it next to his mouth. Wenren Heng laughed good-naturedly and held his hand for a moment before returning to sit on the round stool.

The next moment, he heard the echoing of noisy footsteps coming from outside the courtyard, with even some low mutterings mixed in — Miracle Doctor Ji had been urged by the adventurers to come give the “extremely gravely ill, about to collapse at any moment” Sir Xiao an examination.

Ever since last night, the adventurers were now aware of the importance of Sir Xiao, and so upon seeing his body that weak, they became worried to no end. Thus, when they scrupulously brought up finding Miracle Doctor Ji, they immediately garnered everyone’s agreement.

Since they had good intentions, Wenren Heng thereby didn’t refuse and invited Miracle Doctor Ji inside.

The adventurers didn’t want to disturb Sir Xiao, so they retreated from the small courtyard to wait outside.

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