Chapter 27

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Wenren Heng had previously discussed the goal of the person who placed the book with his Junior Brother.

His Junior Brother’s original words had been that if he wasn’t doing it out of boredom, then he was scheming against someone, and the person he was scheming against definitely was in this group of people. Even cutting the map into pieces was to lure the person cluelessly over.

What followed certainly lent evidence to this theory.

This whole way was one long and arduous journey of climbing mountains and crossing rivers, and the map was frustratingly opaque in its directions, inciting them to avoid the official roads and take the ones seldom traveled, obviously wanting to cause people to lose their bearings. Although at first they were still able to get people to draw routes for them, as they walked farther and farther, the number of people able to do so became smaller and smaller. With the surroundings filled with verdant mountains, as time passed, it became increasingly unclear where precisely they had wound up, and so the only thing they could do was to continue walking by following the map’s guidelines.

And even then, it wasn’t over. The person who placed the book had even made a underground tunnel at the end of it.

They had to make their way through it, and they weren’t able to see the situation on the surface. And when they came out, a crowd of mountains surrounded them, so it became even more unclear where they were — and even that person being schemed against probably never expected that, after climbing a mountain, in the valley below, they’d meet Blood-sucking Ghost.

Rope after rope, and the trap tightened.

It was certainly like his Junior Brother’s handiwork.

But the question was, with his Junior Brother’s skill and ability, when taking revenge against someone, would the other really need to spend all this time to lay out this enormous chessboard?

He didn’t understand.

However, as he was pondering these clearly ill-timed events, Blood-sucking Ghost had finished listening to Manor Lord Wei’s question and was now giving off a cold, short laugh. His sinister aura deepened as he said, “How can an insignificant little cliff claim my life?”

Manor Lord Wei said, “Then let’s have you die one more time!”

After he spoke, he let out a low shout, hands clenching into fists, shooting out from his side. With his sleeves and back infused with his inborn energy, a faint layer flowing outward, his lofty manner was extremely powerful and unyielding.

Blood-sucking Ghost’s gaze darkened. He wasn’t a fool. Seeing their strength in numbers, he didn’t hold his ground and quickly ducked into the woods. Neither urgently nor slowly, his voice drifted back, with a gloomy and cold undertone that couldn’t be dispersed, “Everyone says that one needs only to put down one’s blade in repentance so as to be absolved of crime. It’s already been seven years since I’ve committed any wrongdoing, but all of you still want to murder me indiscriminately?”

“Stop talking nonsense! How could we let those children you killed die for nothing!” Although Manor Lord Wei was plump, his skills were agile, and he simply had to change his direction slightly before once again giving chase. At this time, only the clang of metal was heard, and a sharp sword light pierced the heavens. Pavilion Master Ding had also moved to pursue.

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