Chapter 79

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In the face of important business, the shadow guards relaxed their guards for only a short moment. They returned to proper form soon enough.

Underneath his mask, the black-clothed person had also been carrying a slight smile, before then adjusting back his mood and saying, “Now that you’ve already seen the person, where’s the antidote I wanted?”

The shadow guards didn’t answer, first looking at the Sect Master and asking in worry, “Young Master, are you all right?”

“…I’m all right.” Ye You’s voice was weak as he strove to escape from the black-clothed person’s hands.

The black-clothed person sneered and roughly confined him, thumb still remaining on his face. Ye You couldn’t help but furrow his brows and tilt his head slightly, as if unwilling to be humiliated.

A beauty needed only to furrow his brows to provoke a sufficient amount of tender feelings, and many people secretly felt their hearts ache at the sight.

Demonic Medicine King originally didn’t have any good feelings towards Sir Ye, but now he finally somewhat understood why Cong Yun wanted this person in hand, because the other truly was too beautiful, beautiful to the point that even he felt some desire.

He shot a glance at Cong Yun, and upon seeing this person’s expression so cold that it was scary, he was immediately surprised.

How could there be much affection after knowing a person for a mere day?

From the beginning, he had believed that, and afterwards, when he learned that Cong Yun had applied the Heart Devourer without the slightest misgivings, he had believed even more firmly in this way of thinking. But it wasn’t until now that he discovered that it didn’t appear to be as he thought, or at least, seeing Sir Ye like this, Cong Yun was unhappy, and extremely so.

But why was that?

Sir Ye had already been kidnapped for several days. Although that person had been temporarily obstructed from touching by the “drug” in Sir Ye’s body, if that person wanted to take advantage, then he would’ve long already taken advantage. Cong Yun also wasn’t a fool, so the other should’ve been able to guess this. Right now, Sir Ye had simply been stroked a bit on the face, so why would Cong Yun be so angry?

Could it be that it didn’t matter when the person was out of sight, but when actually witnessing it, it became difficult to bear? Or could Cong Yun have also felt his heart ache at the other furrowing those brows? Was that possible? Even after much thought, Demonic Medicine King was well and truly baffled.

Cong Yun was able to perceive the other’s short examination and calmly allowed his measure, not even giving him a single look.

Even if this person thought so much his brain collapsed, the other would never be able to guess that Cong Yun was unhappy because he didn’t want to see another person touch that face.

Besides Demonic Medicine King, the others were also similarly confused. In this world, only his master knew about that short-lived and heartbreaking love in his youth.

It was precisely the impossible, unobtainable nature of that time that led to the feeling becoming carved into his bones and engraved in his memory.


Cong Yun repeated in his heart as he stared at that face, unblinking.

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