Chapter 94

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Chenhong Fort was built near a mountain.

Behind the fort was a vast and flourishing mountain, while in front was expansive and boundless water, with countless boats lined along it, giving off a majestic and grand loftiness. Everyone in the righteous faction stared as they got close and couldn’t help turning inwardly speechless at the sight.

The Elder Mei whom those Sect Masters had been concerned about had already been kept waiting for a long time and, upon seeing the Sect Master, went over to welcome him.

She was wearing a flowing mist butterfly dress[1], carrying a face that was beautiful beyond compare, moving across the walkway step-by-step, a breeze blowing the hem of her dress like mist billowing in the wind, making her look like an immortal descended, so beautiful that it made people practically unable to look away.

Even though everyone in the righteous faction knew her identity, they were still unable to stop themselves from staring for a long while, having no choice but to concede that she truly was a beautiful person. And that, within the righteous faction, only Lady Tao was able to even compare to her.

Elder Mei walked to Elder Baili’s side. Only after first shooting a glance at the Sect Master did she then ask with a smile, “How is it? Am I beautiful?”

Ye You had still not “awoken” and, at this moment, was currently being carried by his Senior Brother.

Since he was currently acting as a vital “injured person”, he needed to rest well.

So this time on the way to the fort, for his sake, his Senior Brother didn’t refuse the Fort Master’s generosity and agreed to ride on the carriage that the Fort Master had left near the village entrance. Thus, when they got off the carriage, his Senior Brother, Xie Junming, and them ended up walking in the foremost row. Next to them, other than Xie Junming and Elder Baili, there was only the Fort Master, who had learned the truth of the matter from Elder Mei. He was thereby feeling quite at ease and, upon hearing this, opened his eyes slightly to look at Elder Mei, giving her a faint smile to indicate that, yes, she was very beautiful.

Elder Mei was immediately satisfied and secretly gave him a coquettish look.

Ye You smiled again before then immediately perceiving that his Senior Brother was currently looking at him extremely gently, and he immediately closed his eyes, having a clear view of things.

Wenren Heng held him tighter and shot a glance at these two scoundrels.

Without batting an eyelid, Elder Mei moved her gaze away to look at her colleague. Elder Baili hastily tried affecting the Sect Master’s usual tone to say a word of ‘beautiful’ and, after a pause, asked, “You aren’t cold?”

Elder Mei lifted her head. “For the sake of beauty, what does a little cold matter?”

Elder Baili was speechless, and upon seeing her unhurriedly moving to walk behind him, he then took the lead to enter the fort.

Chenhong Fort wasn’t a large place, though it was able to house everyone, with some difficulty.

The Fort Master first called for the doctors to look at those adventurers’ injuries before then instructing his subordinates to sail over to Beiyan Village in order to bring back both the drugged men and the adventurers who had stayed behind as guards.

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