Chapter 92

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Ye You’s speculation was quickly confirmed.

After the order was issued, that crowd of drugged men appeared as if they were no longer able to see anyone else, and no matter what provocations there were from the people nearby, they never changed their lines of sight.

Their internal energies were powerful, and they didn’t feel any pain, so even if both their legs were cut off, they’d still continue howling and crawling forwards. Unless they died, no one would be able to stop them. The most frightening thing was that they still knew lightness skills, and so they weren’t confined only to rushing forward on the small road. If it wasn’t for the people of “Moon’s Shadow” and “Heaven’s Firmament” who had blocked their way mid-route, then these people would’ve long already rushed onto the rooftop.

At this time, the drugged men were already within three hundred meters[1], with scenes of bloody carnage all around, the people in a pitiful state of defeat. Everyone in the righteous faction was practically helpless in the face of this calamity.

Ding Xilai watched, absolutely terrified, feeling as if that desire to kill even up until their last breaths, mingled with that mad and ghastly atmosphere, was ramming into him head-on. There was a split second where he even felt as if he was able to smell the thick stench of blood.

His face paled even further, and he looked at Sir Xiao.

Ye You was standing there, unmoving.

His face was bound with bandages, and his eyes were slightly narrowed; there was not the slightest way to see through his thoughts..

Wenren Heng was next to him, expression still as calm as usual, appearing almost as if the drugged men below weren’t even there.

Ding Xilai endured for a moment as he watched the drugged men get even closer, with two of them even breaking through the righteous faction’s blockade, rushing to within thirty meters[2] in one go before once again being intercepted. He saw that Sir Xiao and Wenren Heng were still not moving from their places and deeply felt that he could never even hope to become like these two. In a trembling voice, he asked, “We… aren’t moving away?”

Ye You said, “We’ll move.”

As he finished speaking, he turned his gaze and saw that the people of “Heaven’s Firmament” wanted to leave with Wei Jiangrou and Sir Yang for their protection. He then said, “Lady Xiao-Rou, if I was you, at this kind of time, I wouldn’t leave alone.”

Wei Jiangrou had long been scared silly and asked, pale-faced, “Why?”

Ye You said, “Because right now they’re no different from wild beasts, and we’re just like their prey. Has Lady Xiao-Rou ever raised a dog before? For a dog that’s very aggressive over its food, if you put a large pile of food together and a person takes away a small portion of that food, the dog would definitely cast his line of sight upon that small portion. Now that all of you want to leave right underneath their eyes, if that troop of drugged men become enraged, then there’s no telling whether they’d chase after all of you.”

Wei Jiangrou was frightened into trembling.

Ye You continued with, “If, at that time, all of you are too far away, me and my Senior Brother won’t have any way to save you.”

Sir Yang asked, “What does Sir Xiao mean?”

Ye You said, “I mean that if you want to leave, we should leave together.”

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