Extra 4

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The child was especially beautiful, leading people to like him at first sight.

His body carried a faint scent of osmanthus cakes, warm and soft as he threw himself into those arms. Ren Shaotian felt his heart fill with joy and immediately carried the person up. “Ah-You has woken up?”

The child hugged his neck. “Mhm.”

Ren Shaotian then walked forward carrying the child.

The household servants followed behind. There was a newcomer who moved forward a step or two, wanting to help him carry the little young master so as to stop him from getting too tired. Ren Shaotian hadn’t even refused when the child burrowed into his embrace, taking the initiative to duck away. Ren Shaotian was very happy upon seeing this and said, “No need. I’ll carry him myself.”

A gentle breeze was blowing, and the entire yard was the color of spring.

The peach blossoms were visible as far as the eye could see, giving off a mild fragrance that eased people’s hearts and pleased their spirits.

He carried the child through the residence in this afternoon light. Entering the study, he then placed the person on a chair next to him before beginning to read. For a while, the child sat there, obedient and well-behaved, before then very slowly crawling into his arms. He couldn’t help but let out a laugh before settling the small child into his arms and continuing to read. After who-knew-how-long, a small chubby little thing walked into the room carrying some snacks and, after greeting them, walked over to sit down before then beginning to chew on the pastries, eating them awfully joyfully.

Grabbing a slice of fruit, the child reached out his hand to hand it over to the person behind him.

Ren Shaotian opened his mouth and ate it, patting him on the head in praise. He was then struck with the inspiration to ask, “Does Ah-You want to try writing? Want me to teach you?”

The small child seemed to think for a moment before saying easily, “All right.”

Ren Shaotian then wiped the child’s hands dry before then holding his hand and helping him write the “Yang” character stroke by stroke on the paper.

This was his first time teaching this child how to write.

Although it was skewed and crooked, he still thought it looked good no matter how he looked at it.

When the peach blossoms withered, it became the season for the Liuzhu flowers to bloom.

The people of Huayang City all loved the Liuzhu flowers and formed parties in twos and threes to go flower viewing. He led the child along by the hand as he followed a beautiful woman to exit the gates. A large, handsome man was standing on her other side, tenderly holding her hand. They were a family of four, full of blissful happiness.

The Liuzhu flower bloomed and withered, withered and then bloomed.

The house was still as bustling as always, and he never left the child’s side. They were practically always together, whether it be sleeping or eating, and he treated the child as if the other was the apple of his eye. The child also always followed him faithfully, insisting on going along no matter where he went. Even the Madam said, somewhat jealously, that Ah-You loved his big brother the most and not his mother. But her expression actually carried a hint of a smile as she said so.

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