Chapter 30

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TN: 3-0! A fourth of the way through!

Also, a small stylistic change: after much thought, I’ve decided to add hyphens in all “nickname” type situations, so Xiao Heng will now become Xiao-Heng. This is mainly to keep it consistent with stuff like Ah-Xiao, which already has hyphens, and also to preempt any possible confusion in the future if a character actually has 蕭 or 肖 as a surname (both of which are also romanized as “Xiao”).


The drug powder that had been found was only a small bag.

The Young Miracle Doctor painstakingly examined it for an entire night and in the end, was able to reach only a vague verdict. He told them that this thing probably wasn’t a finished product and that it was related to those that could muddle people’s judgment since it contained two other drugs with this same effect.

The Alliance Leader’s party was once again sitting together.

They weren’t idiots. After digesting the information for a night, they all thought that if it was them, rather than taking the risk to move against Bodhi Prison, it’d still be safer to grab some people secretly. Yesterday night, how much of it was Sir Xiao intending to start something?

They couldn’t help but look at this person.

Ye You asked, surprised, “What is it?”

Academy Master Ge’s relationship with him was not bad, so despite moving lips, the other held back his words.

In a calm and even-tempered way, Qingcheng Sect’s Sect Master Han[1] asked, “After thinking it over, I still think it’s better to just capture a few random people. Why does Sir Xiao think they’d be at Bodhi Prison?”

Ye You calmly said, “I was just guessing.”

“We definitely must go check on Bodhi Prison.” Pavilion Master Ding looked at him and frankly said, “But I remember that yesterday you asked about a prison that everyone knows. Why would you guess from that? Isn’t the usual reaction that someone is kidnapping people in secret?”

Ye You pursed his lips and didn’t reply.

With one glance, Wenren Heng knew that his Junior Brother was pretending, so he considerately matched the other in putting on an act and gently said, “Ah-Xiao, if you have something to say, just say it. Everyone sitting here is an elder, so if you say something wrong, they won’t blame you.”

Academy Master Ge said, “That’s right. Sir Xiao shouldn’t worry about speaking his mind.”

Ye You hesitated for a moment before sighing and saying, “All right.”

The group looked closely at him.

The reason why they felt compelled to force Sir Xiao to speak the truth was that they all felt that he knew something, so they wanted to get it out of him quickly to resolve the current situation and avoid disaster.

Sighing, Ye You said, “I’m just a bit worried.”

Wenren Heng asked, “Worried about what?”

Ye You looked at them. “Yesterday, the most important part of what I said was about it being a Jianghu prison. I added ‘that everyone knows’ because that means it’ll definitely have many people locked within it. Those who died in this villa were Jianghu adventurers. Have all of you thought about why they captured adventurers specifically and not just some common civilians? What’s the difference between Bodhi Prison and an ordinary prison?”

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