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It was three days before the dance and Jeongin was stressed, he didn't know what to do. He had stopped avoiding Hyunjin and Chan and they were currently sitting at lunch together, Hyunjin and him sitting next to each other while Chan sat across from them, everything had started moving fine again, like Jeongin had never avoided them in the first place, he started talking to Chan Tuesday because he didn't come to school Monday since he was still spooked about his feelings, what had happened between he and Hyunjin and about Chan and that guy at the diner on Friday.

He hadn't said anything about what happened between Hyunjin and him to Chan, not that he was afraid but because he was so unsure about his own feelings that he didn't want to, he honestly wished he could go back in time and could tell himself not to kiss Hyunjin, he shouldn't have done that. He must have looked really spaced out because he hears Chan calling his name bringing him back to his senses.

"Yes Channie?" The older looks at him concerned. "You okay?" Jeongin musters up a smile and nods, looking down at his untouched food bringing himself to eat it so neither of them worry. He had to figure out something and fast because if he did anything on the day of the dance, he'd end up spoiling everyones moods and if he didn't do anything by the dace he wouldn't be able to do anything after it because he won't be able to bring himself to.



He was worried, he thought it'd be better if he acted like nothing had happened but he felt like he should have asked Jeongin what had happened because he knew that the issue was more than just an assignment he had said before. Jeongin had been acting off since he started talking to him again and he keeps trying to play it off like nothing is wrong and its only making him more worried, he's even asked Hyunjin about it hoping he'd know if anything was going on but it turned out to be a failure because Hyunjin also didn't know.

After school on Thursday he ended up deciding to just be direct with the younger because he couldn't take it anymore. He found Jeongin alone at his locker since Hyunjin hadn't gone to school, he walked over to the younger and just looks at him until the other closes his locker and sees him, "Oh, Hi Channie." he says with a smile.

Chan smiles back, "Hi, I was wondering if you wanna come over, since its been a bit since you have?" He watches as Jeongin makes a thinking face, as if he's actually thinking about it, before he finally gives a cute smile and replies "Sure! Today? Right now?" Chan feels his heart go soft as he nods, missing Jeongins playfulness.

He really wanted to know what was going on with his best friend.

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