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Chan looked at his sister confusion clear on his face, "Hannah, what do you mean? I'm not hurting in any way." His sister looked at him in disbelief.

"Chan what I mean is, how long are you going to hide the fact that you're in love with Jeongin instead of tell him?" Now Chan was in shock, he didn't know how to reply. "I...I don't know..." he finally sighed looking down.

Hannah smiled sadly to herself and nodded, Chan couldn't believe his eleven year old sister was acting more mature than he is right now. He hugged her, surprising her for a second before she hugged back.

"I'm not saying you need to confess to him but it'd be best too even if you're afraid because then you won't hurt as bad and hopefully, and I mean hopefully, he doesn't turn you down. If he does I'm always here Chan..." Chan really couldn't believe this, it was all too much.

He was just so shocked that his sister knew how he felt about his bestfriend and he really wanted to ask how but he couldn't get a single word to pass his mouth so he just settled for nodding into her small shoulder.

He knew he needed to confess to Jeongin. The worst that could happen was to get rejected and he was okay with that, just as long as he got this weight lifted from his shoulders.


A/N (˘̩╭╮˘̩) I sense the story finally reaching the point of InTErEsTinG, actually the real start is about to happen (و•̀ω•́)و
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