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Jeongin POV
Just as he was about to get out of the car and leave, red faced, flowers in hand, he was stopped by the other boy. "Wait! Jeongin.." Jeongin looked over at the other and cocked his head, trying not to be any more awkward than he already was being.

"Yes...Hyunjinnie?" He waited for a silent and timid Hyunjin to speak before saying "Hyunjin?" The other huffed, face flushed redder than before and looked at Jeongin square in the eye, "Would you like to go to the dance with me?" Jeongin, who felt his own face heat up more than before, averted his gaze, looking anywhere but Hyunjin.

He couldn't even muster out a simple "yes" so instead he settled for a timid nod, he then opened the door and got out, not bothering to say anything because he didn't know what to say and he was too embarrassed. Hyunjin didn't try to stop him; he let him get out, backed out of the driveway after waving bye to Jeongin and drove off. Jeongin didn't fail to notice the blush and overly happy smile formed on the others face.

Jeongin made his way into his house, going straight upstairs and setting the bouquet of flowers on the table, not even bothering to find a vase because he just had so much going through his mind. Two problems racing through his head and their names were Chan and Hyunjin.

He was happy Hyunjin asked him to go to the dance but on the other hand he just couldn't stop thinking about Chan and that one guy at the diner. Was he going to the dance with him? In all honesty he didn't know how this would have turned out, he had said he wanted to go with Hyunjin and wanted to confess but he never thought about Chan.

He and Chan had done everything and anything together and the thought of them going to the dance, not together, kind of seemed wrong. Not that he wanted to go with Chan to the dance like a date but as friends. There was a strange pang in his heart when he thought about it. Chan going with someone else. When he had asked Chan if he liked someone that one time he never really considered the thought of Chan actually liking someone.

Now that he thought about the idea that Chan may be moving on from him and finding someone knew, it made him feel strange. He also felt terrible because of Hyunjin. He had just kissed him in the car not that long ago but... it just didn't seem right when he thought about it. In the moment he had thought it felt right and he liked it but Hyunjin was his first kiss and when Jeongin thought about it, it seems like he wanted someone else to be his first kiss, preferably someone who's name starts with "C" and who's been with him for a long time and has cared, made him feel safe and loves him. The reality that Jeongin maybe just likes Hyunjin as a friend but loves Chan more than one started to settle in.

Maybe Jeongin, had feelings for Chan and maybe he didn't know how to get out of this conundrum but what he knew was that he couldn't lead Hyunjin on and he had to tell Chan before anything else happens, if at all, between him and that guy. Jeongin felt like the worst person ever.
I wasn't lying!! I said I'd update sometime this week and I did! I'm hoping to finish this soon. As you can see, my writing style isn't exactly the same and I don't want to just change it up like that... a year Can do that T-T shame on me. Thank you for 6K, I get so shook everytime I see it and I can't believe it. Also thinking about making a backup account, probably TXT centered. Stream "BLUE HOUR" and "ALL IN"

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