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After school, Chan went to get all handsome, the dance was in a few hours and he was actually excited, since Jeongin had confessed yesterday Chan had been in high spirits and not sighing every five minutes which was great for him and apparently Jisung as well because he pointed it out at breakfast, while Chan was busy watching Hyunjin and Jeongin with the corner of his eye, Jisung ended up blurting; "OmG cHaN! YoU hAvEN't sIgHeD OnCE iN thE pASt ThiRTy MiNUtEs." To which Minho replied, "He speaks truth, spill. What happened?" and since he couldn't keep lying to them since that's what he's been doing for a while now, he told them everything and they ended up being really happy for him but really sorry for Hyunjin and wanted to go over and give him a hug, which Jisung was going to do but luckily Chan and Minho stopped him as he was getting up.

Currently Chan was texting BamBam to see if they wanted to go separately or if Chan wanted to be picked up or vise versa. They decided that Chan would pick BamBam up.

Time Skip


It was time to pick BamBam up, Chan went to the address that BamBam had sent, smiling when he saw the other in a tuxedo looking very handsome and neat. On the way to the dance they talked about everything once again, Chan making sure to update him on what happened with Jeongin, BamBam was a smiling mess, really happy for him. When they get to the dance, they can see all their peers and fellow students dressed as nicely as they are and for some reason Chan felt like it was going to be a night he wouldn't forget.

As they walked into the building, he looks at all the glowing decorations making a very pretty aesthetic blue hue glow in the room, as he's looking around in awe he sees him. He sees Jeongin walk into the building with Hyunjin by his side and Jeongin looks as stunning as ever, instead of looking cute like usual though, he was very handsome, his hair done where you could see his forehead and he seemed to glow more than usual to Chan because of the atmosphere. Chan probably wouldn't have looked away if it weren't for MinSung coming and greeting them. Jisung wild as ever, while Minho just looking at him like he's the most perfect person and Chan found it to be such a sweet sight he never really noticed before now.

It isn't long before they're all laughing together and having a really good time, about thirty minutes after arriving, he sees Hyunjin with Seungmin laughing, not seeing the one he's looking for he goes and searches for Jeongin, after walking around and not seeing the younger one anywhere in sight he finally sees him sitting on a bench right outside where there was a garden area, he goes and sits next to the other. Jeongin doesn't say anything so neither does he, until he does.

"It's really pretty out here huh?" he says looking around at the aesthetically pleasing surrounding of greenery everywhere and fairy lights. There's a brief silence before the younger speaks, "It's very nice..." Chan, not knowing what to say, doesn't say anything. There's silence for a while but it's a comfortable silence between the two. They hear the music playing from inside and Chan laughs a little hearing that it's Jackson singing the song he was bragging about that he wrote for tonight, the lyrics "If you're out of this when I'm all in, I need a warning. Don't leave me loving you, babe." Can be heard by Chan clearly and he almost chokes thinking about everything that's happened between Jeongin and him. He listens hoping a bit that Jeongin is in his own world so he doesn't hear the lyrics to remind him too but he wasn't and he hears the lyrics and suddenly says something that Chan never expected to hear, especially right at that moment.

"Can I kiss you Channie?" Chan looks over at the other, making eye contact with the boy who's looking right at him, unable to say anything Chan nods slowly, still trying to comprehend what the younger just asked but before he can, he feels a pair of soft lips on his own and Chan forgets everything because at that moment, the only thing that he cared about and was on his mind was Yang Jeongin and his soft lips. It takes a moment before Chan can bring himself to kiss back, the taste of something sweet on the others lips drawing him in, unable to break away and the younger seemingly the same because he doesn't break away either, until they hear cheers.

They pull away at the same time, Chan speaking first "I guess they're having a really good time in there..." he looks at the shy Jeongin who nods and smiles "I suppose they are." Five minutes pass before they both speak at the same time "Ch-""Inn-" they both start laughing shyly, "Innie, you can go first." Jeongin stays silent before speaking, "I want us to be something, I know you said you didn't want me to feel rushed but I don't. I love you. I love you as a best friend and as someone I can be with and I want you to be mine and I, yours."

Chan smiles softly, wraps his arms around the other, brings him close to him. Jeongin resting his head on his shoulder before saying, "I love you too, Yang Jeongin. I promise to not hurt you and if I do, I want you to know right now that I will never mean too. I know not all relationships can be perfect but I'll try my best because you only deserve the best." He sighs happily as he feels Jeongin's arms tighten around him and a shy reply "I know you will and I'll do the same Chan."

If Chan could stop time, it'd be at that moment.


At the same time Changbin and Felix bump into each other at the punch table, Changbin spilling his drink on the other, freaking out at his mistake, Felix telling him it's okay, until they both make eye contact and it isn't okay because they both fell the same thing. Hearts a beating mess and faces turning a slight shade of red.




This is the longest chapter in the book.

Honestly had to listen to LMLY like ten times writing this.

Not me having to listen to every romantic song I have in my library for this to go well.

I want to thank every single one of you for reading this, I honestly didn't expect anyone to read this. It was kind of bumpy with my lack of updates for long periods of time and procrastinating but after thinking and trying out many things, I've figured out that writing is really what I enjoy the most and it makes me happy. The book kind of seems incomplete because of the ending with Changbin and Felix as well as "What's going to happen with Seungmin and Hyunjin?" well since I don't want to make this book any longer and it was just going to be Chan/Jeongin centered, I've decided to make a second book. Of course I'll start writing it after I post this but It won't be published until I have a secure set of chapters. :)

I want to say again, Thank you.


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