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"Hwang Hyunjin??" Chan asked, trying not to ask as surprised as he really was.

Jeongin simply nodded and looked at him again.

Chan couldn't believe it, Jeongin, his BEST friend has a crush on Hwang Freaking Hyunjin. The one dude he never expected the sweet boy to like let alone want to date. So he couldn't help but ask the next thing, "why?"

Jeongin took a moment to reply, "well... he's really nice and sweet, he listens to others, and he's been waiting at my locker for the past two weeks just to talk to me?"

Chan couldn't believe his ears, TWO WEEKS??! Hwang Hyunjin is part of the "popular" group, he never expected him to ever go near Jeongin let alone wait at his locker, it wasn't because Jeongin was a bad guy, it was just because Jeongin liked to be by himself and didn't talk or want to get bothered much by other people.

Chan didn't realize how long he's been just standing there not saying anything until Jeongin said something. "Chan, I know you care about me and you're basically my big brother and a good one at that but I really like him..."

Chan looked at him and saw the pleading look, he saw that Jeongin was being serious so without thinking about himself even if he wanted to he said, "fine. But if he hurts you-"

"I know, I know" Jeongin giggled throwing his arms around Chan. "Thank you"

Chan gulped knowing full well how much he just hurt himself. "You're welcome" and hugged the other back.

Best Friends || JeongChan/HyunIn✔️Where stories live. Discover now