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Chan's POV
Chan sat there staring at BamBam because he was honestly confused, this had to be a joke. He felt this was a joke.

He reluctantly waved back, "oh... really?" Instantly feeling guilty when BamBam looks down sadly and nods.

"I don't mean to disappoint you, I know I'm really not who you expected..."

Chan didn't know who he had expected and he didn't mean to make a face or anything when BamBam had showed up, he was just... confused, surprised, he felt a lot of things.

"No, it's fine BamBam, I'm sorry I made you feel bad, it wasn't my intention I promise." Chan found himself saying quickly to reassure the other.

BamBam looked up and smiled sheepishly, scratching the back of his neck. "I guess I should just say what I need to say." Chan gave him a confused expression.

"So, I'm the reason you're here right now, well obviously, what I mean is... I told Jackson I was kind of taking interest in you and he thought that this would be "the perfect" way for us to get to know each other, which I thought was a bit over the top but he kept insisting so then I agreed... in reality I just wanted to ask you something..."

Chan smiled at the other, trying not to let the laugh that wanted to escape because all he could think of was "of course Jackson thought this was "the perfect" idea". He nodded, "ah I see... of course, Jackson never misses the chance to get people together but what's your question?"

Jeongin POV
Jeongin was kind of surprised when he walked into the diner he knew Chan went to, especially after school, and found him talking to someone he'd never really seen before.

The guy looked really flustered but Chan was just smiling that reassuring smile Jeongin had seen so many times and loved.

The thing is, the table that they were in wasn't that far from the entrance of the diner so he heard very clearly when the other guy asked, "will you go to the dance with me?"

Jeongin found himself backing away and simply walking off, to where? He didn't know, most likely home, he just really didn't want to hear Chan's answer to the question.

So I'm back, and at an orchestra camp that has a "bed time" but like ew.
I actually listened to sad songs while writing this and it was on shuffle
I miss StrayKids, I haven't been able to look at anything K-POP related, to be honest I haven't been able to be able on my phone like AT ALL. I've been SO busy and it's like ugh but whatever, I'm back.

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