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When he got up he could feel his nerves acting as jittery as never before. He was freaking out to the point he almost didn't go to school but he remembered what Chan had said and calmed down some. When he got to school, he saw the familiar head of hair standing by his locker. Hyunjin was looking down at his phone, probably scrolling through instagram, completely unaware that Jeongin was going to most likely break his heart. 

Jeongin went to his locker, opening and getting his things before mustering the courage to turn to Hyunjin and say, "We need to talk Hyunjin." which earned him a slow nod from a confused Hyunjin. He grabbed Hyunjin's hand and took him to the cafeteria to have a place to sit at, when he found an empty table he made sure to sit across from the other, his palms sweaty, he knew the other could tell there was something up because he was serious and wasn't saying anything. 

Jeongin closed his eyes and let out a quiet breath before speaking, making sure he was looking directly at the other making eye contact, "Hyunjin, I'm going to be honest with you and I just want you to know I'm really sorry for what I'm going to say..." Hyunjin nodded, Jeongin couldn't read his expression but continued "I know I kissed you last Friday but... I really thought that it felt right and it wasn't until I went into my house after that I figured out that I do like you but as a really good friend. I still want to go to the dance with you... if that's okay with you of course." Jeongin finished. He made sure not to look away from the other because he wanted to be brave, he didn't want to break down the way he did the night before. 

He heard Hyunjin sigh and saw him once again nod but this time he could read the others expression; sadness yet understanding. "You like Chan don't you." Jeongin didn't say anything because Hyunjin wasn't asking, he was stating. "It's fine Innie, we can go to the dance together. I'm glad you told me, I was wondering why you've been acting kinda distant since then. I'm not mad at you or anything, I'm sad though." He laughs softly continuing. "I just want you to be happy Innie and if that means you being with Chan, then that makes me happy." He smiles softly at Jeongin, "I'm glad you found someone you like, I know Chan will take amazing care of you because he really cares about you." Jeongin can't help but smiling shyly, "Thank you Hyunjin. I'll make sure to be the best date ever for the dance! I also want you to be happy Hyunjin, you deserve it. You're one of the best people in the world and I know there's someone out there for you." He giggles, "Maybe it's someone here right now!" Hyunjin smiles and nods "Maybe."

  Author POV


At that moment from across the cafeteria sits Seungmin with Changbin, Changbin talking about who knows what, while Seungmin is too focused on the two boys across the room, watching with sad eyes because he can see the dejected aura from Hyunjin and he knew he'd need a hug later. Seungmin smiles sadly, looks down at his food and gives his attention to Changbin.




Let us celebrate!!! 


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