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"I love you."

Jeongin just looked at Chan in confusion, like Chan had said something that was stupid and it made Chan shrink into himself.

"Chan, I love you too, I don't see how-" Chan ran a hand through his hair in frustration because he knew this would happen. He knew Jeongin wouldn't get what he meant exactly and would take it the wrong way.

"That's not what I mean Jeongin. What I mean is that I love you more than a bestfriend and definitely more than a "older brother" ,like I want to be with you , I want to be able to hold you and call you mine. It hurts me to see you with Hyunjin and know you're going to be with him and I can't do anything about it. My jealousy skyrocketed when I talked to him and saw how happy you two were. I'm sorry." Chan ended up saying exasperated, he looked away from Jeongin not wanting to see his reaction.

After about five minutes of silence he looked up and the other who was just looking down not saying anything.

"Jeongin?" The younger looked up with what looked like a sad expression.

"I... Chan, why didn't you say something sooner... I'm sorry, I want to reciprocate those feelings but I...can't.... I only see you as a brother and I really like Hyunjin, I want to be with him. I don't want to hurt you Chan and knowing I am is hurting me and I don't want to worsen it..." Jeongin finished looking back down away from Chan.

Chan felt a tear wanting to fall but he knew he had to be strong, especially in front of Jeongin. He stood up putting his hands into the pocket of his hoodie and without looking at Jeongin and straight ahead he said, "I know... which is why I think it would be better if I stayed away from you for awhile, just until I get over this."

With that he simply walked away ignoring the faint sniffle he heard.

What am I doing... (□′)╯┻

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