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Tyler's POV

We arrived at our house and Taylor gave me my own house key and the code to let us in, once we were in she drove off. The boys already knew where my room was and they both brought my suitcases in for me. I walked into my room and it was huge! I walked in to see a huge queen bed, then there was a wardrobe and a bathroom connected to my room! This room is bigger then my whole house back home. All my boxes had arrived early which was good because I was worried that they weren't going to arrive in time.

"Holy shit" I laugh

"What?" Ethan asks

"What do you mean what!" I yell then add "It's huge! It's bigger then my whole house back home!" Also running around the house looking at everything.

Both boys are in hysterics.

"So you like" Grayson laughed while putting his arm around my shoulder

"Yeah it'll do" I laugh

Ethan laughed "Well lets get you unpacked"

"Your going to help?" I ask

"Yup" they both said at the same time, I just nodded.

"So are you nervous about starting a new school?" Grayson asks

"Not really I'm kind of excited like my school in back home wasn't like capable of teaching me because I knew everything they were teaching so I wasn't developing" I say

"Oh wow" He replied

"So hopefully this school is better otherwise i'm going to have to go back to doing college papers" i replied

"You were doing college papers?" Ethan asked

"Yeah I was, it was the only way I managed to keep learning things" I replied

"Wow you're going to be like the smartest student in our school" Grayson says

"I doubt it, the schooling over here is different" I reply

"Just don't forget about us when the popular group claims you" Grayson laughed

"Oh stop it, that's not going to happen" I laughed

"But it might" Ethan says

"But it won't" I reply

We carried on unpacking my things and I picked up a handful of photo frames with picture of friends from home and old photos of Taylor, Dan and I. I started to distribute them out on top of my drawers and by the about 11 o'clock we had my room all sorted and looking good.

"So tell me about your group" I smiled

"Our group" Grayson smiled back

"Toms great you'll get along with him real well, he's funny and sarcastic as hell. Tate and Ash are boy girl twins, Tate is a girly girl and Ash is the complete opposite. I think you'll get along with Tate really well too" Ethan said

"Ash will probably try to hit on you though" Grayson said

"Why?" I laughed

They both just looked at each other blankly.

"Because your hot" Ethan laughs

"Oh right" I laugh

"So are you going to be keeping your eye out for some fresh meat" Grayson laughs

"Uh haven't really thought about it" I replied

"Have you been in a relationship before?" Ethan asked

"Yeah I guess, nothing serious" I replied "You guys?"

They just looked at each other, "I haven't" Grayson says

"I have but didn't end well, its a sore subject" Ethan says

"Oh yeah" I replied

We spent a few more hours chatting and we had put on a movie until the girls came home. They were completely wasted, barely standing and crashing into everything they saw while looking for more alcohol.

"Oh hey" Taylor giggled

"Hi!! You must be Tyler" A girl yelled and then hugged me

"Yeah" I laughed

"Ty, this is Cameron, the boys sister" She said while stumbling into the kitchen

"Do you have any wine" Cameron yelled

"No" Grayson and Ethan both said

"I found it" Taylor laughed holding a bottle of vodka

"Not happening" I laughed then grabbed the bottle

"Oh god she's been here 5 minutes and this bitch is already telling me what to do" she sighed

"Yeah that's right" I laughed

"What party poppers" Cameron giggled

"Yup we're the party police" Grayson said

"Come on Taylor, your going to bed" I say then grab her arm

"Ok that's fair, come on Cammy, sharing a bedsie with me" she said

"Sleepover" she yelled then they both ran off

"So it looks like your sleeping over" I say "It's a shame because I don't know where the spare blankets are"

"Don't worry, we do" Ethan smiled

"That's good" I laughed

"So are we going to camp out in your room or down here" Grayson asked

"I don't mind" I replied

"I vote bedroom" Ethan said, raising his hand

"Yeah me too" Grayson agreeing

"Bedroom it is" I smiled

We all went up and set the tv up with Netflix, the bed was big enough so all 3 of us so we managed to all fit, I was on the edge because claustrophobic. I sent in my assignment then watched Netflix before falling asleep. I'm starting to think that I'm going to like it here.

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