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Tyler's POV

After I picked up all the rubbish from the second floor I took it back down to the kitchen, Zach was cooking bacon, he took the bag from me a threw it into the rubbish bin outside. He came back in and carried on making breakfast.

"Are you ok?" He asked

"Yup" I smiled as I sat on the counter top

"You don't have to lie you know, I'm not going to tell anyone" He said

"Oh really are we buddies?" I asked

"Yes i would think after last night we are buddies" He says then asks again"Are you ok?"

"Look I've dealt with this before I will be fine, are you ok?" I reply

"I found my best friend lying on the floor pretty much dead I am not fucking ok!" He yelled and started to tear up

"Hey I'm sorry" I said then jumped off the counter

"It's shit you know like I get he's had shit going on but he could've talked to me, we live across the road from each other like he's my brother and he was willing to just leave me behind to forget about him" He says with tears streaming down his face.

"Hey hey, don't cry" I said while pulling him into a hug

"I never want to go through that like ever" He cries

"I know, it's a pretty shitty thing and it's really hard to deal with especially if you've never had those kind of feelings before" I say

"Have you had those feelings before?" He asked

"I did a long time ago back when my best friend died I was literally so lost and just couldn't cope without her, she was my rock and losing her I lost myself" I say

"Can you promise me something?" He asks, I nod. "Can you talk to me if you ever feel like that, I would hate for any of my friends to feel that shit about their life that they can't talk to me"

"I promise but you have to promise too" I smiled

"I promise too" He smiled back and pulled me into another hug

"Can I get on in some of that action" Sam says

We smiled at him and held out our arms, we had a three way hug and when Zach had to break away to carry on cooking Sam and I continued to hug.
He cried, he cried a lot and we talked, he told me a bit that had been going on. He apologised a lot as well.

I found out that his parents travel a lot and when they're home it's horrible, his dad is an aggressive drunk and his mum just stands by and let's him do whatever he wants. His dad is really tough on him because Sam is not the smartest and brightest in the school it's a major disappointment and that's why he always wants him studying.

Sam got angry with me today because I was the only person in the school that didn't know what his family was like and he didn't want me to make an impression on him based off his family which would be completely shit of me to do and i wouldn't even think of it.

After breakfast the boys dropped me home, I quietly unlocked the door and snuck up to my room I was surprised to see Taylor sleeping in my bed, I dropped my stuff at the door then went to turn the shower on.

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