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Tyler's POV

Sunday Night


"Hey" I say to Sam whose sitting on the beanbag that Jake left

"Hey" He smiled and I sat next to him

"You ok?" I asked

"Yeah I was just told that it might be best if I find somewhere else to stay" He says then adds "I tried Zach and Jake but I couldn't"

"Oh so I'm third best! Wow just wow and after everything we've been through" I joked

"You definitely are first best I just wasn't sure how your sister would feel" He replied

"She was my age once and had sleepovers with boys" I smiled "She's not my mum so she can't really stop me"

"Uh yeah but its their house" He says

"I know" I smiled

"So you don't mind if I crash here?" He asked

"Nope I have a lock on my door for a reason" I smiled "Even better that I have an ensuite so you can shower if you need"

"Are you gonna ask your sister?" He asks

"Na it's ok" I smiled

"I saw all those papers on your dining room table, I've never seen so much in one night messy pile" He laughed

'Yeah it's my parents will, lots of legal documents a bit of a bore then really" I smiled

"Oh yeah have you been through it all too?" He asked

"Na I don't really care about it if i'm being honest" I said

"Oh how come?" He asked

"What's with the questions?" I asked

"No nothing I'm just curious that's all" He says

"Why?" I ask

"Well its everything about your parents and you guys, why wouldn't you want to go through it and find out things you might not have known" He says

"What? Do you know something I don't?"I ask

"Tyler no I'm sorry maybe I should just go" He says

"No wait don't leave I'm just confused, what's with all the questions?" I say

"I don't know, I should go" He says starting to grab his stuff

I grabbed his arm "Sam, you can tell me anything, what's going on?"

"No I'm sorry I shouldn't have been asking those questions I'm so sorry" He says

"Stop saying sorry, I just want to know whats going that's all" I say

"I don't want to say though" He says

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