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Daniel's POV


We haven't heard from Tyler all day, I normally get a few texts throughout the day and today theres been absolutely nothing. I'm freaking the fuck out and none of her friends have heard from her either, I texted Zach and he couldn't get a hold of the twins or Ash and Tate then he was checking with Sam and he replied back instantly with no she went home sick in second period, so where the fuck is she?! Sam and Zach are coming over to go through options for where she could be, its not like Tyler to just disappear like that. Taylor has been checking around the school incase she just got into a studying zone like she can do, we just have no idea where she is. I wouldn't even be mad if she just would text me that she's ok.

The boys are here and they've been around the mall, the pizza shop, nandos, they've been to the park and the library and no ones seen or heard from her since she was at school. They'd been asking around some of their friends and haven't even heard anything so we're stating debate whether we ring the police or not. The front door opens and its Taylor.

"Its only me" She called out "She wasn't at school"

"We've been out too and haven't seen or heard from her" Zach says

"What do we do?" Taylor asks

"Do we get the police involved?" I ask

"She'll be pissed if she's just out clearing her head then the police pounce on her" Zach says

"What else are we suppose to do?" Taylor asked

"Have we tried Tate and Ash again?" I ask

"Well if there eating dinner they have no phones at the table so thats probably useless because they will already have my texts sitting there" Zach says

"Oh my god I feel sick" Taylor says

"Sit down then" I say

"I can't I'm freaking out" She yelled

"Yeah and so am I Taylor, we will find her, just take a minute to calm down" I say

The front door opens and Tyler strolls on in, Taylor ran over to hug her and Tyler sort of pushes her away.

"What are you doing?" She asked

"Where the hell have you been?" Taylor yelled

"Whats the issue?" Tyler asked

"You haven't answered you phone since 10 this morning, where have you been Tyler" I ask

"I was sick" She replies

"Where did you go when you left school?" Zach asked

"I don't need the 3rd degree from you guys" She replied as she turns around to head upstairs

Taylor grabs her and pulls her back and screams "As if your going upstairs right now, you need to tell us where the fuck you were!"

"Why are you yelling at me?" She yelled back

"We didn't know what happened to you! You could've been kidnapped, hit my a car, we didn't know what the fuck happened Tyler, this isn't fair on us!" Taylor screamed louder

"I'm not that lucky to be kidnapped or hit by a car" Tyler laughed

"Tyler this is not fucking funny, cut the shit and tell us where the fuck you were!" I yelled

"Oh my god! Tate thought after the amount of crap going on in my life I should have a mother figure and she pushed forward her mum to talk with and it helped me, I vented and told her everything going on, she gave me advice and then I feel asleep in their kitchen booth, they left me there to sleep because they could obviously tell I haven't been sleeping until dinner which then I ate with them and then Xavier Tates dad gave me a lift home, my phone was pretty much dead when I left for school so I didn't know you guys were going to be looking for me!" Tyler yelled "Are you happy!"

"A mother figure? Really" Taylor says

"Of course you focused on that" Tyler sighed

"Why wouldn't I?" She asked

"Because I have never had a mother figure or anything similar to that until I talked to Tates mum today, you are my sister and you are against me 99.9% of the time" Tyler yelled

"Tyler" Sam says

"What? Im being truthful, isn't that what you guys want from me?!" Tyler said

"Of course we want you to be honest" I reply

"Can I go upstairs now?" Tyler asked

"No" Taylor snapped

"Yes go upstairs and cool off" I say.

"Daniel?" Taylor snapped

"We aren't going to resolve anything if she doesn't calm down" I say then add "Go upstairs Ty but this conversation is definitely not over"

Tyler rolled her eyes and then went upstairs, I sent the boys after her to make sure she was ok and I need to talk Taylor off the ledge.

"You always take her side" Taylor sighed

"Babe you can't expect me to let her think we are both against her, her best friend killed herself not long ago, her parents died a few months ago and she's clearly having trouble adjusting here, I am absolutely not going to let her think she's by herself in this" I reply

"I was just as worried as you" She says

"I know you were but I also knew once you started screaming at her she was going fight back and you should've known that too" I say

"The motherly comment fucking pissed me off" Taylor sighed

"I know It did" I reply

"She just knows how to throw it in my face without even knowing, just imagine when she finds out the truth" She says

"Maybe we need to tell her sooner rather then later" I suggest

"I want to tell her when we're all in a good place" She says

"Yeah but she's a teenager, we all might not be in a good place until she's in college" I say

"Why wouldn't she come to us if she was struggling?" She asked

"I don't know" I say

"She didn't talk to you?" She asked

"Nope nothing which even shocked me usually we can talk to each to other, it must be something she doesn't want to talk to us about" I say

"Boy trouble?" She suggest

"I doubt it, after you helped her out last night I would think she'd come straight to you about it anyway, don't you think?" I reply

"I don't even know what to think anymore, she's not the Tyler I remember thats for sure" She said with tears streaming down her face.

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