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Tyler's POV

I slowly made my way to English, thankfully it wasn't too far away and I was only a little late, I walked in and talked to the teacher, explained why I was late. He seemed ok with it which was good and gave me some more notes from last week that he thought might help me. I walked to the back of the room where Sam was seated waiting for me, I smiled then sat next to him.

"Hey" I whispered

"What took you so long?" He asked

"I was talking to Taylor" I replied

"Why?" He asked

"I told you I wanted to forget about it all" I say

"And?" He says

"Mr Michaels what was the last thing I just said" The teacher asked

"Honestly I don't know" Sam sighed

"I understand the excitement that Tyler is back but she has missed out on a lot of school so I really do believe she will benefit from listening in" He says

"Sorry Sir" I say

"Ok eyes back on me" He called out

"We are not done talking about this" Sam whispered

Being back in school is so good, I love being bored in class and texting my friends under the desk, way better then being at home. It's first break and I know I have an annoying conversation with Sam coming, he pulls me aside into an empty classroom and I sit on the desk waiting for my lecture.

"I just don't understand" He says "After what happened why would you want to forget and move on with her"

"How come you haven't asked me to homecoming?" I ask

He smiled "I was going to"

"When?" I asked with a piercing smile

"Straight after school, I have a bouquet of flowers in the trunk of my car waiting for me to give them to you" He replies

"Why aren't you the cutest" I smiled

"So will you?" He asks

"Will I?" I reply

"Will you come to homecoming with me?" He asks

"Of course" I smiled

"Good" He said and kissed my forehead

"Can we stop talking about what happened, i'm going to a therapist after school so I will be talking about it enough" I say

"If that's what you want we can forget about it just know I'm going to be protective of you" He says

"I know, that's what I love about you" I reply "Wanna go grab a bite to eat? I have free period next"

"Yeah same let's do it" He smiled

"Oh and tonight we are going to go to the pizza place if your not working" I say

"Did Daniel allow that?" He asks

"He will because I'm desperate to have some fun and after my shrink session I know I'm going to need it" I say

"I will be there if your allowed but I won't be surprised if it doesn't happen" He says

"I'm already sacrificing my face by wearing a mask because I can't catch a cold it's embarrassing and this is my normal for the next few weeks until I'm healthy enough to get the vaccines I need" I say

"I know your self conscious about it but you still look stunning, we just need to find you a pretty enough mask to match your pretty face" He says, I smile.

"Thanks but I've already looked around online, no one wears them and if you see anyone wearing them they are these ugly surgical ones" I reply

"I'm sure we can find something" He says "Maybe talk to your sewing teacher and she might be able to make you one"

"Na it's ok I don't want to trouble anyone" I say

"I'm sure they wouldn't mind" He says

"No it's ok but I will tell you what I miss the most" I say

"Oh yeah what's that?" He asks

"I miss being kissed on my lips, I hate that you can barely touch me without the scare of me getting sick" I say

"I know I'm hating it too but it won't be long before I can" He says

"Growing up not having the love and affection I wanted it's all I have grown to want and love, I'm such a touchy feely person and now I'm had that torn away from me, I hate it" I say

"I know but it won't be long ok" He says

"I know" I sigh

"I can still hold and cuddle you, I can still kiss you just not on the lips" He says

"I could use one of those hugs right now" I say

"Come here" He says, holding his arms out

I walked over and almost collapsed in his arms, all I want is touch and thats the last thing I can have.

I have always been a touchy feeling person with my friends, hand holding, pecks for literally no reason. I can't help it, it's the way I've ended up after not feeling the love from my parents.

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