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Tyler's POV

Saturday Morning 11:34AM

The weekend came around pretty quick, I made a few more friends throughout the week which was cool. Taylor told me that I was allowed to go to the party tonight only if I had someone go with me and she wasn't going to be picking me up from the police station (Snarky fucking comment but whatever). I messaged the group to see who was all going and surprisingly everyone is coming even after all the shit things they were saying. We're all meeting up at the twin boys house first then all heading down as they only live down the road from Zach. I'm meeting up with Sam in the city for lunch and then he's going to show me around, I'm excited because I definitely need a new wardrobe since moving out here.

He picked me up and we went into the city, we ate lunch and now he's literally following me around the shops to look for something to wear tonight. I never cared about what i wore back home but it's my first US party and I'm here to look bomb. So far my options are a skimpy red lacy dress with a black leather jacket or a black skirt with a blue singlet and the jacket over top. I've had to buy both outfits and Addy is going to help me decide what to wear later on.

"So what do you think about the outfits I picked" I asked Sam

"Yeah they're hot " He replies

"What one do you like more?" I asked

"Well let's just say if you were my girl I wouldn't want you wearing that red dress to a party without me by your side" He says

"Oh really" I laugh

"Oh yes" He laughed "I mean I'll be keeping an eye out for you anyway but I don't think you'll need looking after with your friends"

"My friends seem to be pretty protective" I smiled

"Yeah I know" He sighed

"I'm pretty protective too" I say

"I bet you are" He smiled

"It's not a bad thing" I say

"I know it's not, I like that about you. You are yourself and won't let anyone change you" He says

"Yeah and I'm stubborn so that doesn't help me either" I laughed

"True" He smiled

"So what are you wearing tonight" I ask

"Uh probably like a sweatshirt and pants" He laughed "Nothing fancy"

"That's sounds nice, I don't normally get dolled up but because it's my first party here I thought I might" I reply

"Fair enough" He smiled "So it'll be a surprise for what you're wearing tonight"

"Yeah I guess so" I smiled

"We better get going, it'll take about half an hour to get back and I've been told that I should do some studying before going out for the night" He says

"Oh really that sounds like fun for you" I smiled

"Oh shut up hey I heard a rumour that you got 100% on the exam, is that true?" He asks

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