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Tyler's POV

I literally have no idea where I am all I know is I'm in someones backyard laying on their sun bathing chair and I have been passing out since I got here. I don't understand how I could be this fucked up and I'm just so tired so fucking tired. I don't want this life here anymore, I don't want to be here. I've managed to sit up and the moonlight is glistening across the pool it looks so peaceful and serene. I walk over and dip my legs in, wasn't as cold as I was expecting so I jump all the way in, I roll onto my back and float on top of the water. I close my eyes and the water covers my eyes and then my mouth before I'm submerged under. Finally at peace.

Sam's POV

So we are literally in the middle of streets hunting everywhere for Tyler and she was just to quick for any of us to catch her, I don't know whats going through her head and I can't imagine what headspace she is literally in and it's killing me.

"Look Dan I don't know what to say she's pretty fucking fast and none of his could catch her" Zach says

"If Ethan hadn't started all this shit she wouldn't have run" I yelled

"Well I can guarantee that her healing has been fucked up and stitches have probably like opened and getting infected I just had a fucking gut feeling that I shouldn't have let her out of my damn sight!" He screamed over the phone

"Dude it's not your fault we never knew this was going to happen and if it wasn't for that douchebag she would have been home by 9" Zach yelled back

I snatch the phone off him

"I will not go home until I find her" I say before running off again

"I just don't understand why she'd run from us" Tate says "We believe her and she's our friend"

"I think after all she's been through she hasn't had a mental health check and she's got lot going on and we need to find her before she hurts herself" Tom says

"What do you know?" Zach asks

"She is literally best friend so I'm the least likely person to be snitching on her so I'm going to find her" He says

"What has she told you?" I ask

"Fuck off" He yelled

"Fuck you" I yelled back "If you know something fucking tell me man"

"Just go find her before she hurts herself" He replied

"Well since your so close maybe you need to ring her or text or some fucking thing because I can't handle this much longer myself! I reply

"I fucking have so calm down" He says

"Try again!" I yelled

"We have been Sam she isn't picking up" Tate yelled back "Stop taking it out on him and go look for her"

"Come on dude we need to split up and look" Zach says then suggests going seperate ways

"Why would she run away dude I just can't get it what the fuck" I say

"You need to calm down Sam" He says

"I am calm" I say

"Good because when you find her you need to be calm and collected or you will lose her" He says

"Lose. Her? What the fuck you talking about?" I ask

"She's going through a lot and if you go in hot headed you will fuck everything up" He says

"I don't get hot headed" I sigh

"I love you dude but that is the one thing you got from your dad, 100% hot head" Zach says

"Fuck you" I smiled

We all continued walking down the streets, all spread out screaming out her name. Just as we stop to talk about where to head next an ambulance flies past us with sirens on, my heart sinks and I can feel it in my stomach. Its gotta be her. It has to be. It's too much of a coincidence for it not to be.

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