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Sam's POV

We arrived at my house and I set up the console, we played for a couple hours and every so often she'd check her phone then put it down then check it again. She's so distracted and I feel really bad because it's my fault.

I feel so shit, she's laying there so down and I really thought we were going to have such a fun kickass night but Ash just couldn't help himself. She is so stunning and I know I shouldn't get involved with her because the boys are going to be on my back but she is the most stunning girl with the best personality and is just so funny I don't want to let go of that. I have never felt like this about a girl especially so early, I've only known her 2 days!

"Tyler. I feel really bad about everything" I say

She doesn't answer

"Tyler I'm sorry"

She doesn't answer again

I get up and walk over to her, she's fallen asleep with the controller in her hands. I wrap her up in a blanket and go warm up the car, I pick her up and set her down, I put her seatbelt on before making my way to her house.

I leave her in the car while knocking on the door.

Daniel answers "Hey, where's Tyler"

"I've got her in the car, I didn't want to wake her so I wanted to get the door open first" I reply

"Good man" he smiled back at me

I ran out to the car and lightly picked her up before walking her upstairs into her room, I lay her on the bed and put her phone on charge before leaving her a wee note.

On my way back home I stopped by Jakes it's only 11 o'clock and I know that the boys will be there.

I walk around the back to where the guys are playing pool and a couple are on the playstation.

"Hey fellas" I say before grabbing a soda out of the fridge

"Hey dude, where you been" Jake asks

"Just chilling really" I reply

"Oh yeah, so what do you think of the new chick" He asks

"Yeah she's alright" I say

"She's hot" He says

"She is very hot" Zach says

"Yeah I think you made a bad impression though" I laughed

"It was just Jake though right" Zach asked

"Yup" I replied

"Oh real" He asks

"She thinks your a douchebag, her words not mine" I reply

"So when did you talk to her then" He asked clearly angry

"In English, after lunch, you didn't go remember" I say

"Right well I think you need to work your magic and get her to the party this weekend" Jake said

"She's already coming I know that but she wont be going anywhere near you" I reply

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