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Tyler's POV

I ran over to Jake's since he was only right across the road and I knew they aren't going to look for me there. I knocked a few times and no answer so I ran around to their backyard and take a seat on the deck. I text Jake warning him I was in his backyard incase he was wondering what freak was sitting there. He rung me and gave me the code to get in and was told to go upstairs where he was.

"Hi" I say

"Hey whats going on" He asks

"Just had a convo with Taylor and Dan or should I be saying Mum and Dad and was given the full run down about how I was given away to Taylors parents after I was born" I say

"Woah wait are you saying Taylor isn't your sister but she's your Mom?" He asks

"Yup" I sigh

"Oh my god what the fuck but you were raised with your parents who were actually your grandparents" He says starting to figure everything out

"Yeah I know its fucked up" I say

"And you had such a shit time there and it could've been all avoided" He says

"I know man its a cluster fuck of a life I'm living right now" I reply

"Are you ok?" He asks

"No I'm fucked up" I sigh

"Do you want me to get Sam here?" He asks

"No I just need to take a minute" I say

"Ok thats fair, do you want something to drink?" He asks

"Sure" I sigh

"Ill go grab something" He says

"Thanks" I say and lay back on his bean bag

He ran back in and I told him the full story that they told me. He is just as speechless as I was.

"So what did you say to them?" He asked

"I said they should have never given me up then I walked out" I reply

"Did they run after you?" He asks

"Dunno" I say

"So what are you going to do now?" He asks

"I honestly don't know" I sigh

"You seriously have such a complicated life" He replies

"I know it really sucks" I say

"What are you going to do for the rest of the day?" He asks

"I haven't thought that far ahead, I just wanted out of that house" I say

"Oh yeah, some of us are going to the beach to play volleyball if you wanted to come" He says

"Oh yeah who's all going?" I ask

"My boys, Nates girlfriend, I think Spencer and Tom and I think Ash and Tate were invited too" He says

"Oh yeah that could be fun" I said

"You might need some beach attire though" He laughed

"Obviously" I laughed "Ill go home get ready then come back here?"

"Yup we'll leave in 20?" He says

"Cool see you then" He says

I ran back home and stood outside debating my plan for about 5 minutes, I don't want to talk to talk to them, I just want to get in and out. I walked in and grabbed my bag that was at the door then ran upstairs and locked my door. I got changed into my togs and tired my hair up, I throw on some shorts and t-shirt then my vans and I head back downstairs, I grabbed a beach towel from the cupboard then was stopped my Dan who was waiting at the front door.

"Are you ok?" He asks

"I am, I'm heading to the beach with the others to play volleyball" I say "Never played that before"

"Tyler seriously" He says

"I'm pissed me off to the maximum amount I could be pissed" I say

"I know but can you talk to us about it" He asks

"Not right now, I want to go have a fun day" I say

"And then will you talk to us" He asks

"Yes I promise, it was a lot of information to get in like 10 minutes, I need to have a day to think and try have a bit of fun before we get into it" I say

"Yup that's fair" He says

"Ill see you later ok" I say

"Yup be safe" He says

I left and walked back over to Jake's then we drove down to the beach, his mates were all there already and so was Tate which was good, someone I can hang with. It was such a fun day there, I think the beach is the place I need to go more because so far I haven't had a shit time at the beach.
They taught me how to play beach volleyball and we swam and then just hung out, it was so much fun. I got to talk to Spencer more with was really nice because I know he's close with a few of my friends and he seems to be a pretty cool person and he's so nice, we talked about how he stuck up for me with Ethan and we really just had a genuine chat.
Spencer had told me a little more about Sam and he will always be protective of him and that Sam told him about his near overdose, he thanked me for jumping into action and saving his life. Everyone in this group are very tight knit and are all very protective of each other, I think I definitely need this in my life because I've never had that before.

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