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Tyler's POV

We arrived at her house and we head in and she suggests sitting in the kitchen because she has some prep to do for dinner and thought that I could sit at the island bar and chop up veggies to help why we chat, which sounds good to me.

"So whats going on" She asks

"A lot" I sigh

"How about you just vent, say every single thing that's going on in that mind of yours and I will listen and give you advice in the end" She suggests

"Ok that sounds good to me" I reply

"You have the floor" She smiled

"Ok well I will start from the beginning" I say then I blurted out everything.

I told her everything, from when I was living with my parents, then moving here and all the arguments with Taylor, I told her everything about what happened with Ethan. I explained how I found my birth certificate and finding out that my sister and her partner are actually my parents and that I still haven't been told about it. I told her everything about Sam and meeting his parents and I even talked about how embarrassed I was with the whole Ethan calling my a slut in front of everyone and I explained to her about when I was raped when I was younger and how I never told anyone originally except for my Best Friend and then she killed herself so I had been left alone since then.

She's sitting there and clearly taking it all in, I continue to chop the carrots and potatoes how she showed me to and I really just think she doesn't know what to say.

"It's a lot, I know" I say

"You've had a pretty hard life" She says

"I have, draw the short straw really" I reply

"I think that it's good you've sorted things with Ethan because that will be a burden off your shoulders with a few things, yanno, Taylor off your back and the fight coming to end with the twins, you can breathe a little better. It's complicated when it comes to Taylor and Daniel actually being your parents because they must've had a reason for it and reasons for not coming out now that your parents are gone. And if I'm being honest I really don't know Samuels problem, he should be happy that his parents love you because I even know they've hated all his other ones because his Mom is my best friend so I hear about these things. I have been best friends with Sandra since we were 16 so I know everything thats gone on in that family and if she loves you she will love you with her whole heart and she's told me herself this morning that she adores you so don't give up on Sam, I just think he's never had this encounter before and almost doesn't know how to handle it. I have a feeling that things are going to be heading up for you" She says

"Why do you think that?" I ask

"Tate speaks very highly of you and she doesn't have a lot of girlfriends so it makes me happy that she has you also I'm on the PTA so I've heard a lot about your schooling history so your a hot favourite with us" She smiled

"Aw that's nice, I really like Tate, I've never really had a lot of girlfriends either, I can be hard to read and my face looks like I hate everyone all the time so girls don't bother with me" I reply

"Uh yes I've heard about the face whats it called uh resting bitch face" She laughs

"Yeah mines always there" I smiled

"It's not a bad thing Tyler, you are just a very guarded person and after what you've been through thats ok to be that way" She says

"Thanks" I smiled with my eyes tearing up

"Don't cry honey, It will get better I know It" She said as she came over and hugged me

"Thank you for talking to me" I say "I have never had this open of a conversation with an adult before"

"Really?" She asks

"Im being fully serious" I smiled

"Well that's really sad Tyler, I want you to know you can talk to me anytime and I'm being serious, 4 o'clock in the morning if your in the shit ring me and Ill be there for you ok" She says

"Ok thank you, the thought of this makes me what to cry, I've literally never had a person like this except for Dan but he was 14 hours away so it was easier to tell him things because he couldn't kill me" I laugh

"Well you have me anytime ok, here put my number in your phone" She says

"Yes please, thank you" I said passing over my phone

Callie didn't need any more of my help making dinner so I sat in the booth and we carried on talking for a bit before my eyes started to get heavy and I fell asleep.

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