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Tyler's POV

It's about 1 in the morning and everyone is spread out across the living room and have set up for the night, I had blankets and sleeping bags and we all just decided to campout. We had drunk that much alcohol that we were pretty fucked by midnight so we settled down and it took us about half an hour to decide on a movie but once we did we were all good. A lot of them have already passed out and I was busting to pee so I tried as hard as I could to be quiet and go upstairs to pee. I made it halfway up the stairs before I tripped and made such a bang and I could help but giggle so I quickly ran the rest of the way up. I made it to the bathroom so that was good I peed then washed my hands of course and I slowly made it out and my head is spinning so I'm just leaning against the wall.

"Are you ok?" Sam asked

"My head is spinning" I reply

"Do you want a hand?" He asks while holding out his hand

"Yes please" I said before falling into his arms

"Woah hey I got you" He said before lifting me up bridal style and carrying me to me bed

"Thanks" I slurred

"Do you just want to stay here tonight?" He asks

"Aw not by myself though" I slurred again "Wanna stay with me?"

"Are you sure? You're pretty drunk" He says

"I have a spinny head but I know what I'm saying" I reply

"Are you going to need a bucket to throw up in or some water?" He asks

"Well in my wardrobe is a mini fridge and it's got waters and sodas in it so we good for drinks and Im not sure where you are going to find a bucket in this house" I laugh

"Do you want a bowl then?" He asks

"No I'm fine" I reply

"I just don't want you throwing up all over me" He says

"Well to be honest you kind of deserve it" I smiled "But I'm seriously good ok"

"Ok" He smiled

"Come on" I said before pulling the covers back

He jumped in and we were facing each other like we were a few months back when he stayed. We were looking into each others eyes and I just wanted to kiss him.

"I love you" He whispered

"I love you too" I whispered back

His face lights up and he leans in and so do I, It's like no time has passed and it feels right. I'm back to being smitten by him and I will never forget what went on but being back in his arms I feel so safe again, I just want to be happy and he really makes me happy. Tonight has been the best night and I can't wait for what the future brings, I'm so excited for Dan and Taylor and I'm even more excited about being Maid of Honour for Taylor. I think things are finally going to be looking up to me and I just want to move on from al the drama this year has brought me.

Sunday 9AM


"Tyler! Ty you need to come downstairs right now" Tom screamed out

"Be there in a minute" I called back

"Hurry up!" He yelled back

"What the fuck is that about?" I say to Sam

"Dunno seems urgent though, come on" He said while pulling me along behind him

"Are you Tyler Mayley?" The police officer asks

"Uhm yes, yeah I am" I reply

"I'm afraid I have some bad news" he says "do you might letting me in?" He then asks

"Uh no I don't mind" I say

"I'm sorry to inform you that Taylor Mayley has passed away in a car accident early this morning" He says

This is where it all went to shit.


And just like that the book is finished! I hope you all loved reading it as much as I loved writing it. There will be a second one coming with the aftermath of everything so I look forward to writing that. Write in the comments what you think will happen or what you guys wanna see!

Part Two is called The Aftermath

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