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Tyler's POV

"He's nice" I say

"Yeah he really seems like he wants to help, do you think 1 session a week will be enough?" He asks

"Yeah I think so, it'll be better to ease into it" I reply

"Yeah you'll let me know though won't you" He says

"Of course" I smile

"So I hear from Zach that you all are going to the pizza place for dinner" He says

"I was going to ask but I really want to" I say

"I know you do" He says

"So can I go?" I ask

"Yeah today only ok, we just can't make it an ongoing thing right now your immune system is too compromised and I just don't want anything else to happen to you" He says

"I know Dan and I can be careful, my mask only comes off to shovel food down my throat" I say

"It's just so dangerous it worries me" He sighs

"I will be ok, I've been as careful as I can theres nothing more we can do" I say

"Still I don't love the idea of you potentially getting sick" He says

"I know but I can't live my life in fear" I reply

"I get that your an out there girl and you want to live life to the most but I'm just too nervous about it all, I've just got you back in my life and I don't want to lose you" He says

"I'm not going anywhere Dan" I say

"It's just hard Tyler, seeing you lay there in that hospital bed so helpless and I couldn't do anything to help you" He says

"I know Dan but we need to stop dwelling on the past, that's what my therapy sessions are for" I say

"I just can't lose you that's all. I wouldn't be able to handle it" He says

"Your not going to lose me" I say

"Yeah I'm just letting you know" He sighed "Go have fun with your friends but you will not be back any later then 9 ok"

"Yes deal! Thank you"

Pizza Parlour

"So how long do you have to wear the mask for?" Ash asks

"Uh well until I can get my shots to help my immune system" I reply

"And when do you get them?" He asks

"Dunno..hopefully not much longer. Why'd you ask" I reply

"Well homecoming is in 3 weeks" he replies "and I feel like Dan may not let you go until you have them"

"Oh true I didn't even think about that" I say

"He will let you go though right?" Sam asks

"Surely I mean Taylor said I like had to" I reply

"Well if you don't go I certainly can't" Sam says

"I won't be going if you don't" Tom says

"Same" The others add

"You have to go and you guys will be going whether I'm there or not" I reply

"I won't be going without you" Sam says

"I'm not going to argue about this, everyone will be going so new topic please any ideas?" I reply

"Well uh there's another big party this weekend" Ash says

"That's inconsiderate" Tom says

Terrible timing" Tate's adds

"It's ok" I smile "Who's party is it this time?"

"Nates. He's invited the whole grade and then Sasha has invited a few girls from her school which is cool because they are so hot" Ash says

"Well that sounds like fun" I smiled

"Hopefully, not sure who's all going yet" he says

"What about you guys?" I ask

"I only went to parties with you so I'm not really too keen" Tate says

"And I don't think Ill go" Tom says

"Oh come on guys I think you should go" I say

We carried on talking for a bit and then a group of teens walk in and sit down right front of us, Maya, Ethan and Grayson all amongst them. They're whispering and staring at us, we can obviously see that they are talking about us which is weird because I thought we were good but clearly not. Maya and Ethan just start to make out which is gross because its in public and this is a family place and nobody needs to be seeing that

"Im going to go find out whats going on" Ash says before walking over

"God I hope it's not to try make you guys jealous because that is really sad" Tate says

"Surely not" I laugh

"You would be surprised though" Tom laughed

"They are literally psychotic" Zach adds

"Ok well that's a little disturbing" Ash says as he joins us again

"What'd they say?"

"I don't want to say" Ash replies

"Well say" I sigh

"While Taylor is staying with Cameron she must've told her about when you were living at home and you have a history with compulsive lying so they believe everything you said about the rape wasn't true and that your best friend didn't die from an OD and that Taylor didn't and would never attack you which confused me because when did she attack you and that your bipolar and just really mentally sick and as soon as you get home your heading for a rehab" Ash says

"Okay" I sigh "That's just super"

"We don't believe him" Tate says

"Look I'm just going to go and hopefully get hit by a bus and I probably will not be seeing you guys tomorrow" I reply

"No T. I told Dan I would take you home" Sam says while holding my arm

"No dude I'm done ok. Just leave me alone. I'm done" I say before slamming my mask on the table.

I walk out and as soon as I hit the streets I run, I can see they are running after me but I'm too quick so it doesn't take long before I lose them. I thought moving away was going to be better for me but clearly trouble just follows me.

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