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Tyler's POV

Monday Night

I obviously ended up at Sam's house after the explosive fight with Taylor, I could tell Daniel was so pissed of with Taylor and I have never been a physical person ever so I was caught so off guard.
Even as sisters we never got physical ever, we were always verbally mean to each other so this is uncharted waters. I was so sore, I have never felt this way in my life to as sore all over my body as I am. I talked to Daniel before I left and told him if I had to go to school I was absolutely not going to her class which he thought was fair.
We walked in to Sams and I asked if they had a bath, I think my body needs to just be in warm water and rest, they did have one which I'm ecstatic about. He ran and started it for me then I slowly walked behind him, it probably took 5 minutes longer to get there then he did but he had put in a whole heap of bubbles in for me. Sam helped me get my clothes off because I was that sore, I had bruises all over my body and I got Sam to take photos so I could show Dan how much she fucked up. Sam helped me in and then sat beside me on the other side of the bath, he never left me the whole time.

"Are you ok?" He whispered

"Not really, why would she do that, I've hurt her way more then that before and we have never gotten physical with each other" I say

"So weird, you must've just hit a nerve" He says

"I didn't deserve this though talk about child abuse" I say

"You definitely did not deserve that, Daniel was horrified" He says

"I know, it took you guys ages to get her off me" I reply

"She was nuts, we came away with scratches" He says

"Oh are you ok" I ask

"Yeah I'm fine its nothing" He say

"Oh shit I didn't know you were in here, what the fuck happened to you" Zach says

"Zach get out" Sam yelled

"No its fine he can't see anything anyway" I reply

"I don't care your naked and that's weird" Sam yelled again

"Sam I'm gay so I really am not after your girlfriend" Zach says, I'm smiling

"Don't fuck with me we have had such a shit night please get out of the bathroom" Sam says

"He's not fucking with you, he told me a couple weeks ago and I really don't care if he's in here" I say to Sam

"Your gay?" Sam asks

"Yeah" Zach says

"Why did you tell her before me" Sam says

"Because I trusted her" He says

"I'm your best friend what the fuck you can trust me" Sam says

"Dude I know but I didn't know what you were going to think thats all" He says

"I don't care who you want to get with as long as I'm still your best friend" Sam laughed

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