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Sam's POV


Everyones here and are camped out all over her suite which was pretty big, the nurses gave us blankets, Tate and Ash's parents brought us all in coffees, it was such a big night. Daniel ended up telling Taylor later in the night which was probably a good idea because people were wondering where she was so she had come down and stuck by Cameron and her brothers, they obviously knew what had happened.
Zach and I stuck around Daniel supporting him, I have never seen such worry in a guys face before I looked at Daniel. The surgeon had came in about an hour ago saying she'll have to wait in recovery for a bit before they bring her back and that the room should be pretty cleared so she doesn't get overwhelmed. The nurses agreed to let us stay until they are on their way back with her and then everyone will need to wait outside, which was a fair call.

The surgeon is apparently very invested in Tyler and her surgery, he wanted to wait to talk about her surgery until she was back and with us, we're not sure to think if thats a good thing or a bad thing. The surgeon wheeled her back into the room and Daniel let Zach and I come in with himself and Taylor, Taylor stood far away from me I think she could feel my angry energy. Tyler looked so out of it and she had an ice block in her hands but it was just dripping because she didn't want to move.

Zach and I were on one side of her and I was holding her hand so tight that she's just smiling at me, Daniel and Taylor were standing on the other side and we were just waiting to hear about what happened in there.

"Ok so good and bad news" The surgeon starts "The surgery went incredibly well, we had no complications at all she was a real trooper"

"Bad news?" Taylor asks

"Well her injures were quite severe so 2 of her ribs were fractured which punctured her spleen which caused it to rupture so we've had to do an open surgery to take out the spleen all together, she can live without a spleen but the spleen filters blood. It removes items that can cause infection such as bacteria or parasites. It also removes old and damaged blood cells" He says

"So what does that mean for her, she's more prone to infections and getting sick?" Daniel asked

"Yes exactly right, so once she is all healed we can sort out some shots for her to get to improve her immune system or to try and stop her from getting sick" He says

"How long does it take to heal" Tyler asked almost at a whisper

"About 6 weeks" He replies

"But I have school and so many assignments, I can't be held back" She says as she try to get up

"No Ty, don't move, we will bring you all the notes for all your classes, you will not get held back ok" I say while holding her hand

"You are a very intelligent girl Tyler I can tell that but right now you need to focus on getting better and let your body heal, you won't be able to do a whole lot of normal things just yet, healing takes time" The surgeon said

She shakes her head and looks away from all of us, I can tell she's gutted.

"Do you have anymore questions of me?" The surgeon asked

"Yes can we ask a few outside?" Taylor asked

"Of course, you rest up Tyler alright" He says, she just nods

"I'll let you guys have a minute too" Zach says

"Sit with me" Tyler says

"I don't want to hurt you" I say

"Please come here" She says

I lay next to her and she put her head on my shoulder

"I thought I was going to die" She cried

"I thought you were going to die too" I replied

"I was so scared" She cried more

"I know you were" I said and cradled her closer

"I just thought that the last time you saw me would've been when I was on the floor like dying" She says

"No Ty don't think about that ok try and get some sleep" He says

"I bet Dan was so scared when you guys told him" She says

"He was terrified" I reply

"Hey" Daniel Said

"Hi" She says

"I'm glad your going to be ok" He says

"Me too, I was really scared" She says

"I was too" He said while tearing up

"Dan" She whispered

"Did Sam tell you that all your friends are outside and have been since 9 o'clock last night" Daniel says

"No I didn't know" She smiled

"Do you want me to bring them in?" He asks

"Who's all there?" She asks, Dan looks at me

"Tate, Tom, Ash, Spencer, Jake, Nate, Sasha, Kyle, Brock, Lewis, Tate and Ash's parents, Cameron and then her brothers" I say

"Oh wow like everyone" She says

"Yup everyone rallied out here all night for you" Daniel says

"That's so nice of them" She says

"They love you" Daniel says

"We all do" I smiled

"Do you want them to come in?" Daniel asked

"Maybe if they come in their groups?" She suggests

"Thats a good idea" He says I'll go grab the first group" He said with a goofy smile which made her laugh

Everyone came in with their groups, I think it was good for Tyler to realise how many people she had supporting her and was friends with her. After everyones visit with her they decided to go home and come back in the morning, Tyler made it adament that she didn't want Taylor near her or to stay and even threaten getting out of bed and hurting herself if she wouldn't leave with everyone else, so she did.
After she fell asleep, I sat in the recliner chair beside her bed and Daniel was on the other side the same style chair, Zach was sprawled out on the window seat with a whole ton of blankets underneath and over top of him.
Dan and I chatted while Zach and Tyler slept, he told me that Zach had filled him in about the nightmares Tyler had been having and asked if she had told me what they were about which she hasn't but I wish she would so I could try find a way to help her out.
He didn't know what to do either but we agreed not to let her know that he knows. He really loves her and it shows, I don't know how he ever gave her up.

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